How to make my own quail food - can't get gamebird feed?


13 Years
Oct 24, 2009
I can not get any gamebird or turkey feed in my country. (Thailand).

The only feed the shops have are chicken and duck feeds... ranging form chick starter, laying pellets, broiler mash, fighting chicken crumbs, and duck food.

Most of this food is sold in clear plastic bags with no information on it about ingredients, chemicals or nutritional information. The shops just write what birds its for in marker pen on the front.

I was able to find some big sacks of the feed.. and again, not much information on them.

However I found the protein levels.. and they are far too low for what is advised to feed quail.

At the moment I am feeding chicken chick starter. This has 21 percent protein.

The quail are laying eggs, but now I am afraid to eat them in case the chick feed in medicated. I asked the shop owner if its medicated.. and she read the bag, but there was no information on it and she said she did not know!

Also I am thinking if its medicated feed it will be bad for the quail after eating it a long time?

So now I want to make my own feed with high protein.

I saw the catfish food pellets were high protein.. but they were smelly like fish!

I tried to feed the quails smashed up hard boiled eggs.. but they kept dropping the pieces through the cage bars! Also I can be boiling up chicken eggs every day and they are too wet to go in the feeders.

My idea now is use chicken layer pellets (because they won't be medicated and they have high calcium) and mix them with something else high in protein... but I don't know what I could use.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Would you mind pls posting ratios of the corn, milo, and millet they love so much?! Thank you!!
FYI, this is a four year old thread, so you may not get a response. Also, this mix is not going to provide enough protein for your birds. While they would indeed, love it, it's like feeding a person on a diet of nothing but candy bars and pizza.
FYI, this is a four year old thread, so you may not get a response. Also, this mix is not going to provide enough protein for your birds. While they would indeed, love it, it's like feeding a person on a diet of nothing but candy bars and pizza.
oh ok, good point. Thanks for letting me know...still new here...
Dried peas? What can you get locally?
Some of these members are absolute wizards at feed ratios.
Prices and availability seem to be changing day by day.

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