How To Pick A Roo? does help. But makes it even harder. haha! I wasn't even considering him. buuuttt...I'll be fair and give him a chance as well I suppose. :)
Thanks! This is really helpful.
I do want a sustainable flock-I want to be able to raise them for meat as well as extra hens if the need should ever arise. I think Mr. Ed is awful pretty too-and he is HUGE compared to the others. I also want to allow them more time in my not completely Fort Knoxed grassy run area-so a protector is also pretty important.

Mine are 15 weeks old right now. I just spent the last hour in the coop/run area with them and integrated Mr. Ed with the older ladies-so far so good.

I will try not to rush the decision then, I was worried I had to do it right away-but I think you have given me reason to wait....and that is a huge load off my chest!
Really? I always thought I needed 20 hens per roo. I cannot remember where I thought I read it. Maybe it was a dream. Yes...I dream of chickens haha!
Welp, I guess that is it then...I wait and see and hope for the best!

Thanks so much for the help and advice ya'll!
Ya...I spend a LOT of time out there with them-just because I have gotten a little addicted, but now I have a 'rooster check alarm' on my phone so I can go every 40 minutes and see what is happening...and will most likely keep this up for quite some time. I've heard a lot of horror stories and I think that is why I am stressing out so much. Better to be too informed than not informed enough! :) Hope for the best and prepare for the worst...

Since my little separation trial run this morning, my smaller younglings and silkies are much happier. I think the roosters were just too much for them. Everyone, so far, is happy...but it is a new world...and they haven't had enough time to run amuck!
Just be sure you keep him separate at first. to make sure you don't bring together a sick bird with your healthy birds. It is too easy to fall in love with a chicken only to find out later they are wheezing and next thing you know they are all sick. Be excited but be smart.

I would observe how they are around the chickens they have - look at the girls backs and feathers coverage - Roosters get up in the morning and tend to chase the hens until he has bred with all of them.

Lots of observation and thought before adding him to your flock.
Thanks for that info! I didn't know they chased them around first thing until they were is very efficient! haha! I've had them all since they were chicks-I had them quarantined for 30 days prior to letting them go in the separation area in the coop so they could all get acquainted behind chicken wire in both the coop and the run. That is another reason I want to be able to grow my own flock-so I don't have to worry about that quarantine thing all the time. :)

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