how to prepare them for Laying?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
This is my first time raising chickens. I have 9 chickens of all different varieties about 15 weeks old. Is there anything I should be doing at this time to prepare them for Laying? I keep seeing people talking about golf balls in the nesting boxes, do I need to change their diet, do I need a light in the coop for them, or any other suggestions.
I didn't know anything about chickens when I got my first few pullets. Nothing. lol

I didn't do anything special for them. The doghouse I placed inside the kennel to use for shelter ended up being their favorite place to lay their eggs. They never slept in there, but rather taught me they prefer to sleep up high on a perch and lay their eggs in a nice secluded box like setting. Another place they like to lay is in a large drawer padded with fresh hay. This drawer rests on top of a dog crate.

Here is my latest nesting box setup...I currently have two broodies in this area. One on the right side up top, and another in the cage down low.
I do keep golf balls in my nest box areas, but I didn't use to.
I put golfballs in my nest boxes and the girls knew what to do. Took the golfballs out about a week ago and they immediately quit laying in the boxes and now are laying in the front corners of the coop. Oh well, at least they all lay in the same two spots.
they just seem to have one tree that they all love and I'm worried they will try to lay near that tree.
Thanks for all the help!

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