How to pronounce?

"Pekin" Little help anyone?
peek in ?

This is a great thread. Should be a sticky. If not for the educational nature, but for the humor of people sounding out words online

I'll be watching!
WOW! What a wonderful thread!

I've been going around saying "those birds" to try to cover a bit of ignorance. (It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!)

Now, as long as I don't ever have any of the "Dee Uncles"... I'll be alright!
LOL Cochins. That's the biggest joke with me and my friend. A non chicken person saw a partridge cochin and pronounced it "Pay-tridge caw-chin." For some reason that just totally sounded like an STD to me, and now every time we see each other we say some dumb joke like "Wow, that's the worst case pay-tridge caw-chins disease I've ever seen," or "Did you pass the PCD test?" LOL

But here's how I say em...

Mille Fleur d'Uccle - Mill-ee Floor Doo-seal
Cochin - Ko-chin
d'Anvers - Dee-ann-ver
Andalusians - ann-duh-loo-zhun
Minorcas - my-nork-ah
Crevecoeurs - crev-ah-kwower
Sumatras - soo-mah-trah
lakenvelders - lay-ken-vel-der
Fayoumis - fie-you-me
Narragansett - nair-ah-gan-set
Cayuga - kie-you-gah
Toulouse - too-loose
Sebastopol - sah-bass-tah-pole
Amherst - am-hurst
Hova - hoh-vah
brinsea - brin-zee-ah
Barnevelders - barn-eh-vel-der
Yokohamas - yo-ko-hah-maa
Orloffs - or-loff
Cubalayas - Que (like the letter Q)-bah-lay-ah
Shamos - shah-mo
Chantelclers - shan-tah-clair
Aseels - ah-seel
these may be incorrec t(probobly!) but here is what I say..
Mille Fleur d'Uccle: Mill-Flew-Ay De- Uckle
Cochin: Co- Chin
d'Anvers: De-An- Ver
Andalusians: And- a- loo- shun
Minorcas: My-Norka
Crevecoeurs: Cre- Vi- Cua
Sumatras: Some- atra
lakenvelders: Lake-en- velder
Fayoumis: Fie/Fy-oo-me
Narragansett: Nara-gan- set
Cayuga: Cy-oo- ga
Toulouse: Toe- Loose
Sebastopol: Sea- bass- Tibble
Amherst: Am-a- hurst
Hova: Huv-uh
brinsea: brin-see-ya
Barnevelders: Bar-nee- velder
Yokohamas: Yoke-ah- hama
Orloffs: Or- loff
Cubalayas: cue (like the letter Q)- Ball-yah
Shamos: Sham-o
Chantelclers: Chan- Teck-ler
Aseels: a-seal

Howd i do? lol

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