How to Safely Catch and Treat and/or Medicate Peafowl

OK, I'll try again, this is the net I have, it is made by Kuhl and is 36 inches deep, they also make a 44 inch, they both use the same size hoop.
Mine came from Smith Poultry Supply and cost around $75.

And don't forget to accessorize yourself with this stylish and ever popular Peafowl catching jacket available on the clearance rack at Walmart for $17.99


so I figured I would post is very interesting and very helpful for the people out there wondering how to work with your birds and give meds ...orally...well first this is a two person job and should only be done with two person has the net and gets the bird into handling position and places the birds body against the handlers body then the other person comes in with the medication...make sure you have it already dosed out...I am using valbazen which from what I have read you need to dose.....

one bird (over lets say five months pheasant / large adult chicken)= 1/2ml which is the same as 1/2cc

then the person with the syringe takes the top part of the beak and the handler takes the bottom part of the beak....and opens the mouth...then slowly turn the birds head to a position at an angle and slowly push the medication out down the throat away from the trachea (the air way to the lung)...if you get some down the birds air way it could kill the bird...from what I read if you do get some down there the bird will be be careful...I just handled about 50 pheasants and it took an hour and a half...take your time and have a consistent amount coming out till the syringe is done....and boom your done...I have found out during this process that you must band on the leg the birds as you do them and it will make a lot easier to know which birds you have done...hope this is helping some peoples questioning about giving meds orally....

here are some pics during the process
I figured that the birds would just eat these lovely treats that I got them infused with 1/2cc in each chunk and I could just hand feed them...well that didn't work out so well....especially when dealing with 40 hungry chickens and which ones got the meds and which ones didn' tomorrow I will be handling all the chickens in the same manner as well...

I got the male to eat it and one of the females but the other one wouldn't so I had to do it orally

this is what the birds mouth is going to look like after you medicate the bird

I handle my birds a lot..and I noticed that some heart rate were very high while others were when I handle the birds....I found that pheasants love it and it calms there heart rate down very fast when they know you are not trying to hurt them I scratched ones neck and it almost put it to sleep so I did this with all the birds I handled before the med person stepped into the pen....I figured I would get them as calm as possible before another person came into the you can see the bird is very relaxed....

this is a close up on how I relax my pheasants...I have not handled the peafowl that much yet so im not familiar as to what can calm them down...I will post pics of that later when I handle them...

this is to show you how relaxed the birds are when I do this to them...I am literally holding the bird in my hand and it doesn't want to move...that's how comfortable the birds are with me...(and no the bird is not dead) lol

another pic to show you how relaxed the bird is...just to give you a time frame on how long the bird was like this before it got up and jumped down....the medicater had to get the camera out and take the pics so about 45 seconds....

here is another view on a different bird when using this method...there eyes will close and they love it....the calmer the bird you have the easier the bird is to handle and the less chance the bird will get hurt in the process with handling the birds....

and no this one wasn't dead either...just very relaxed....typing kindof tells you how to do things but when you see pics it makes things so much more credible....keep in mind I have only been doing this since around june im not that experienced....

thanks for watching...hope this has been informative...
well I need I got done worming the chickens and I started giving them corid...dosed at the mid number and this morning everyone was fine....just at about noon I seen a chicken just standing in the help me mode...I went out there and she didn't want to open her eyes....and there was just a little bit of yellow crusty stuff on the sides of the way I can explain this is when you wake up in the morning and you have crust in the sides of your swelling but I picked her up and brought her in next to the fireplace...she is just laying there and not moving...breathing just not moving...and she don't care to open her eyes....called the feed store and no luck on the feed by mouth were going to give her vitamin water and try and give it to her orally...ordering a tube kit....ahhhhhh....not good....could this be because I used the wormer and then the corid a day after...I felt the crop area to see if she had it full and hard....and there was just a little bit of food in there....curious as to what this could be...any response would be great....
I use Safeguard and Corid together, so it's not that. Can you go get some aquarium air line? Or go to a small animal vet office and buy a tube? If you get the aquarium air line, you need to modify the end with a lighter to melt the edges so it's nice and smooth.

I have a hydro I have plenty of 1/4 inch line...and I do have a syringe for I will make a makeshift one.....what should I give her for a good tube feed....she is just laying down in the position what I set her down in.....should I use medicated chicken starter and make a liquid solution or do you think that will be to much another thing do you think she could have drank to much it is in a solution of water for all the chickens.....could this be maybe the reason....she did just move for a brief second and now she is looking at me like what am I doing in this cage....for the past three years I have kept chickens and I have lost one or two during these winter this just my luck....I don't ever loose any during the other months...could she have worms and they just cant pass thru her body....if she is affected bad....causing her to block up...there is a 250 watt heat lamp in there as well....she was just fine this was only after I had given the corid...any other questions I would be happy to answer... to clear up what if and such
I am not clear on how much time has passed since you wormed, but I lost a peachick one or two days after using safeguard. The chick was full of roundworms and the vet thought it was toxic overload from the dying worms. The picture has been on here a lot from the necropsy. If the chicken dies I would try cutting it open and learning how to do your own necropsies.
I am not clear on how much time has passed since you wormed, but I lost a peachick one or two days after using safeguard. The chick was full of roundworms and the vet thought it was toxic overload from the dying worms. The picture has been on here a lot from the necropsy. If the chicken dies I would try cutting it open and learning how to do your own necropsies.
I will for sure do this....I already had the plan...we just butchered 15 chickens...and we cut the liver and stomach and such apart....the only thing I didn't cut was the intestines...I was just talking to trefoil on the phone and she mentioned that they could die after being wormed because of the worms not passing...I read that the worms either get used as protein in the bird or discarded....she is just laying there I feel so would have been after the 5th day of safeguard....on the first day I did notice two worms in the poop when I went out to let out the chickens....but unsure on which chicken discarded the worm....I used valbazen on the pheasants yesterday and they are just fine...went into each pen and hand fed them so I know they are ok....I heard molasses helps with the worms passing after dosing...

what kind of a paste should I use for tube feeding....and when do you know when to tube feed....?
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