How to spot leg problems in Ducklings??

I resign, the swelling is gone... but she still limps awfully... she is getting around much faster though! I'll still do vitamins, the sling, and bath times, and oregano if she starts swelling again but I can't think of anything else that could help that will work, especially since its been so long.
Update: had to tape her legs again. The one is growing wrong and she is using it less, it seems like its getting less blood flow too! =/ I don't know that she will ever walk normal. She doesn't try to stand up or get out of the sling either, she is pretty content there, especially when her buddy comes to visit. To encourage her to stand I'll give her treats she can't reach.

@Fancychooklady although she frustrates me sometimes she is absolutely a sweetheart and I really am only frustrated because I want her to get better...
I hope taping her legs together will force her to use the one, because I see its getting worse and I think that is due to her not using it or using it wrong (putting weight on the wrong part of it)... I don't want to hurt her but if she keeps going like she has been she won't be able to use the leg at all... and she was walking on it so I don't see why she wouldn't be able to now (when it was injured a while ago).
@Fancychooklady although she frustrates me sometimes she is absolutely a sweetheart and I really am only frustrated because I want her to get better...
I hope taping her legs together will force her to use the one, because I see its getting worse and I think that is due to her not using it or using it wrong (putting weight on the wrong part of it)... I don't want to hurt her but if she keeps going like she has been she won't be able to use the leg at all... and she was walking on it so I don't see why she wouldn't be able to now (when it was injured a while ago).
nayeli will she use her leg when she is in water?
@Miss Lydia I'm thinking just more water time. I'm also going to use a bin, the sink is getting to be to small, even the bathtub might be to short.
Update: had to tape her legs again. The one is growing wrong and she is using it less, it seems like its getting less blood flow too! =/ I don't know that she will ever walk normal. She doesn't try to stand up or get out of the sling either, she is pretty content there, especially when her buddy comes to visit. To encourage her to stand I'll give her treats she can't reach.


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