How to stop dog killing chickens

The run is a nice size, but it's never going to hold up to attacks against dogs (or other larger predators) as constructed... The chicken wire won't stop much, and it looks like it can easily be dug under for starters...

Even if you get the dog under control you might very well face another predator gaining entry...

I agree here - the nice thing is that the run doesn't seem to have any grass/vegetation growing right up against it - which means that relatively low height electric is a an option. I'd buy a roll of polywire and a fence charger and run electric every 6 inches up starting right above ground until I ran out of wire. It'll be way less expensive than doing hardware cloth on a run that size, and is probably more effective.
I agree here - the nice thing is that the run doesn't seem to have any grass/vegetation growing right up against it - which means that relatively low height electric is a an option. I'd buy a roll of polywire and a fence charger and run electric every 6 inches up starting right above ground until I ran out of wire. It'll be way less expensive than doing hardware cloth on a run that size, and is probably more effective. 

What if my chickens touched the run. Wouldn't it shock them
Chickens and ducks don't seem to get shocked too often - and when they do, it doesn't seem to be all that bad - I think the feathers insulate them pretty well. The exception is when they touch the wires with their beaks - and then they get zapped.

That being said, modern electrical fence chargers are designed on very high voltage, very low current - they're designed to scare, and hurt, but not injure livestock. Usually the livestock figure out pretty quick to leave it alone.
I read somewhere about a similar situation. They reportedly solved the problem by tying the dog up in the middle of the chicken yard so that it couldn't move and left it there. After the dogs experience with curious, pecking, chickens, it wouldn't go near a chicken again. When I say tie up it has to be so that the dog can't move to protect itself except for its head with a muzzle one it; I would worry about the eyes.

And, if I remember correctly, the dog was a young one, pup?
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Very Nice run deerslayer. Professionally done. Mine isn't nearly as nice but it works. I didn't have any help stretching the wire so it's not as tight as I would like, but it keeps predators out. Good luck.
Very Nice run deerslayer.  Professionally done.  Mine isn't nearly as nice but it works.  I didn't have any help stretching the wire so it's not as tight as I would like, but it keeps predators out.  Good luck.

Very Nice run deerslayer.  Professionally done.  Mine isn't nearly as nice but it works.  I didn't have any help stretching the wire so it's not as tight as I would like, but it keeps predators out.  Good luck.

Me and my buddy built this actually
You and your buddy did a very nice job. I saw a few posts back someone suggested putting electric fence around the perimeter instead of reinforcing with welded wire. That is a very good (and less expensive) idea. I have confidence that you'll do what needs to be done for your birds.
You and your buddy did a very nice job. I saw a few posts back someone suggested putting electric fence around the perimeter instead of reinforcing with welded wire. That is a very good (and less expensive) idea. I have confidence that you'll do what needs to be done for your birds. :)

For Christmas I'm getting supply's to make an Electric fence. My grandpa use to build turkey houses so he's gonna try and predator proof my pen

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