Hello all!
So my chickens are 24 week old RIR pullets. At least 10 are laying for sure (got 10 eggs today) but am not experienced enough with butt check to know if all 12 are doing so.
Anyway, I have two little girls 6 and 9, and the chickens have been pecking them. As in, pecking their little fingers hard enough to leave a small blood spot. I would even venture to say biting them at this point.
Welp, the stupid birds also bit my fingers- even jumping up to do so! And I went in there with the kids, and they kept pecking and biting them too!
I've been hollering NO! and smacking them (not hard but enough to get the point across) on the back like a mama hen does. Apparently they're teenagers now, because they didn't listen to that and kept doing it to the point where my 6 year old was in tears. They flat out bruised my 9 year old's leg yesterday!
So today I ended up booting them- again, not hard enough to harm them but enough to let them know I mean business out of sheer desperation because they were ganging up on my girls!
I don't know if they've come to expect treats (kitchen scraps, etc and I use scratch but ONLY to get them back in the coop in the evening) or if they're simply just bored (not sure why 7x20 foot run and 6x10 coop and there's a fair bit of bugs in the run. I also gave them two whole but starting to turn apples earlier and they went berserk over them), but they need to stop ganging up on my kids and stop biting!
My girls love the chickens, and their little hearts are hurting as well that the chickens keep biting them. I'm just really irritated and want the behavior to STOP because I need the darn birds to know that WE are the boss (me and the girls) NOT them and to quite frankly CUT IT OUT!
Any tips from seasoned veterans would be HIGHLY appreciated!
(Note- I'm feeding Purina Flock Raiser plus oyster shell mixed in, healthy eggs solid shells so I doubt it's a vitamin deficiency. I'm only tossing a few things in there here and there not gorging them or anything).
(Second note- I have been doing construction on the end of the run the past two days (framing a wall and adding a human sized door) so we can stop climbing through the shed window (I got sick and wasn't able to put door in initially so finally got it there). There was lots of hammering and circular saw yesterday. Could that have set them off?)
So my chickens are 24 week old RIR pullets. At least 10 are laying for sure (got 10 eggs today) but am not experienced enough with butt check to know if all 12 are doing so.
Anyway, I have two little girls 6 and 9, and the chickens have been pecking them. As in, pecking their little fingers hard enough to leave a small blood spot. I would even venture to say biting them at this point.
Welp, the stupid birds also bit my fingers- even jumping up to do so! And I went in there with the kids, and they kept pecking and biting them too!
I've been hollering NO! and smacking them (not hard but enough to get the point across) on the back like a mama hen does. Apparently they're teenagers now, because they didn't listen to that and kept doing it to the point where my 6 year old was in tears. They flat out bruised my 9 year old's leg yesterday!
So today I ended up booting them- again, not hard enough to harm them but enough to let them know I mean business out of sheer desperation because they were ganging up on my girls!
I don't know if they've come to expect treats (kitchen scraps, etc and I use scratch but ONLY to get them back in the coop in the evening) or if they're simply just bored (not sure why 7x20 foot run and 6x10 coop and there's a fair bit of bugs in the run. I also gave them two whole but starting to turn apples earlier and they went berserk over them), but they need to stop ganging up on my kids and stop biting!
My girls love the chickens, and their little hearts are hurting as well that the chickens keep biting them. I'm just really irritated and want the behavior to STOP because I need the darn birds to know that WE are the boss (me and the girls) NOT them and to quite frankly CUT IT OUT!
Any tips from seasoned veterans would be HIGHLY appreciated!
(Note- I'm feeding Purina Flock Raiser plus oyster shell mixed in, healthy eggs solid shells so I doubt it's a vitamin deficiency. I'm only tossing a few things in there here and there not gorging them or anything).
(Second note- I have been doing construction on the end of the run the past two days (framing a wall and adding a human sized door) so we can stop climbing through the shed window (I got sick and wasn't able to put door in initially so finally got it there). There was lots of hammering and circular saw yesterday. Could that have set them off?)