How to tame your chickens

To tame your birds first spend time with them but don't upset them and always try to feed them
from your hand good stuff like cooked rice or cooked vegetables or stand close to the food after
you have put out the feed for the day but the best time to start is early in age but it sounds like
you passed up this opportunity already so now try the next best thing when it is time to roost
this is when predators like to try their hand so when the evening starts go out and just touch
them to start and after awhile you might be able to pet them .......
last month I got three new genies all three months old and at first they kept their distance
but due to using the evening touch and feeding method I am getting closer every week I am
up to about six swipes before a complaint and to start they rain at every sight of me ,,,, but
what do I know I have lived long enough to have Grandchildren Graduate from High School
at the end of this year .....


thanks for the tips, I do breed chicken and I do have 4 baby chick about 7 weeks old and I can pat them and feed them out of my hand
but the rest of my chooks aren't so friendly, but i'll give what you said a go
thanks again
We have found that when they start squatting (they do this for our son who is their primary caregiver), they allow picking up and petting of the head. Very cute.

BTW we have Buff Orpingtons and Americaunas.
persevere, if they struggle when you hold them, dont let them down until they stop-then give them a treat, I only have 3, a sussex, calder ranger and rhode rock and they are all very tame and will fly up onto my lap if I sit out there with a coffee.
Mine come running to me now because they associate me with treats like mealworms and corn! They are happy to eat out of my hand but not that keen on being picked up and stroked. Use food to worm your way into their affection!

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