How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures)

I have 3 girls who have been laying for few months now and my JG roo who is almost 23 weeks old has been mating with them. At first they kicked him out and would chase him away. Today they appear to be accepting him. They do not squat for him but if the roo grabs their head and mate them, they no longer chase him away. I think he has been successful most of the time but i am wondering if he can immediately fertilize the eggs after mating?

I cracked 2 eggs earlierand i think there is a bullseye but it soooo blurred. I tried to take a photo but it can be hardly seen.
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I'm pretty sure your cockerel should be mature enough to fertilize eggs at 23 weeks. I have one slightly younger and when my daughter dropped an egg on the concrete the other day I checked the yoke and it was fertile. I plan to hatch some of their eggs in the Spring when they have proven their hardiness and the eggs are full size.
From what I've read, not yet experienced, with pullet eggs (which are smaller) the chick can have a tougher time fully developing and hatching out. It is recommended to wait till a hen is fully grown before setting her eggs, though it is tempting to do it sooner. Also, you have a chance to see them grow out and make sure that they have traits you want to carry forward (such as hardiness - surviving basically). You can check out the heritage threads, I think this is where I was reading about this.
Not fertile? Fertile? Ive got no idea? Love heart shaped?? Out of the five eggs i collected two had possible bulls eyes. Rooster is on his second day being introduced to hens but i havn't seen mating on egg cam... If i left the eggs for a day or so would i see better evidence?
so if I collect them everyday and put them in the refrigerator, can I eat all of them or not. Or does that not stop the process? Is it bad for you if you eat a fertilized egg? Do they taste bad?
so if I collect them everyday and put them in the refrigerator, can I eat all of them or not. Or does that not stop the process? Is it bad for you if you eat a fertilized egg? Do they taste bad?
Fertile eggs will not develop unless in an incubator or under a broody hen. They taste no different. Yes you can eat them.

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