How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures)

Gosh Carrie, I don't know what you should do, maybe you can move Icecube and her eggs to a private place away from the others? Can you separate her?
I have fertile eggs from the "egg lady" I think I'm going to hatch some
Thanks...this post really helped me! Now I know her eggs are fertile
So thanks for the help on this subject. What I wanted to know sorta relates to this. I read earlier it is OK to eat the freshly fertilized eggs, but I wanted to check on how to go about taking the eggs themselves.

I have just started the "chicken business." I have 18 chicks right now, about 6 weeks old. What I was planning on doing when they start layin eggs is to check for fresh ones everyday when I get home from work. This should be plenty often enough to avoid something gross in my skillet right?
I put the following in as a reply on to someone else's post, but it fits here, so I'll copy it here. I wonder if anyone else ever thought what I've thought all my life until the last couple of months.
Ya wanna talk about ignorance? I'm seventy years old, and until two weeks ago while reading a book about chickens, all my life I thought that the white spots near the yolk was rooster sperm/semen; used to cut it out of the egg before frying/scrambling, too gross. I had never heard nor known anyone else who knew that those two white spots were the original cords on the two ends of the egg that held the yolk in the center of the egg until the egg/shell was cracked open. I've known lots of people who did the same thing I did. I was really surprised to learn that in order to tell if the egg was fertile when it's in the skillet is look for a tiny little dot on both sides of the yolk. Like I said, "Ya wanna talk about ignorance?"
I read about "...both sides of the yolk" on another post. Was that correct or does the spot only show on one side of the yolk as in the pictures being shown on this post?
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Cyn, Can I use your photos of the fertile egg for my clubs website? They are fantastic pics, and a lot of people do not know what a fertile egg looks like.- Cara

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