How to tell if a wormer works?


5 Years
Jul 10, 2014
I've been worming my chickens after I saw roundworms in their droppings. How do I tell if the wormer is effective and gets the worms out of their systems?
I've been worming my chickens after I saw roundworms in their droppings. How do I tell if the wormer is effective and gets the worms out of their systems?

What product did you use and what protocol did you follow? That will be significant in the efficacy you can expect to see from the treatment.
The most accurate way to determine if you have effectively addressed the parasite load of your birds is to have a fecal sample evaluated by a veterinarian (this is different than you seeing worms in the feces as the fecal sample will be examined for parasitic indicators that are not visible with the naked eye). Less "guaranteed" indicators that can be used is the overall condition of your birds - lack of visible parasites being shed in their waste, are you seeing a change in the feed consumption and resulting condition of the birds, etc.

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