How would i tell the difference?!

the drake is a VERY easy going guy. he doesnt even harass the duck hens. i dont think he will bother with the chickens. the ducks did live with these RIR for a while, the chickens just ignored them. and they stayed well away from the duck kiddie pool. i just hope they will be like that again

I thought I had a very calm drake but I am finding that you truly will never know what they will do during mating season. I would watch them carefully to make sure nothing terrible will happen!!! And yes my leg horns eggs are white like the ducks but there is a VERY large difference in shape and size
!!! You will know for sure with RIR's since they lay a light brown. But really size will give it away without a problem.

this is true. he did get a little upset when i added two more drakes. he wasnt likeing that AT ALL.
We have a Pekin boy who is as sweet as pie most days, he even has his own duck diaper and comes inside. However now that breeding season is here, he is rotten to the core. He charges any of the chickens that hope the 3' fence and is put in time out at least once every other day for attacking a duck, young drake or chicken.
my duck eggs were ALWAYS smooth looking

Yeah, ducks don't lay brown eggs

i didnt know RIRs lay brown eggs,!​

You will be able to see the wax on them, usually.

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