How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

Sad thing is there's plenty of fuel. This propaganda is used for one reason, to up the prices. Remember the 1970s gas shortage? Hogwash! Oil tankers were siting, full, in the bays, dudes that worked on ships & docks were being told to just sit there & not dock to deliver. How ticked off do ya think a dude that's been at sea can be, when he can see the dock of home, but isn't allowed to go there? They were angry & talking about it, but of course what they had to say never made it to the news. It's just the same old crapola being dished out. The powers that be, do it because they can.
Right? I haven't trusted main stream media for years, just monitor it once in a while to see what the latest psy-op is...
The powers that be shall receive their just reward!
Powerful & Inspiring story of your life, thank you so much for sharing it. 🙏 God Bless You!!!

It's interesting how life plays out, not just our own lives, but in general. Kids & elderly can sit a spell & talk, but the "productive years" we run around so busy working just trying to make a living, for many, that's what most of our memories consist of, 20s, 30s 40s 50s & 60s, on that treadmill, the merry-go-round of work work work.

When cancer forced me to slow down during treatment, I reflected on that, wanted to change my life going forward. The way society & life is set up, you either bust your butt, thinking you're accomplishing, ( but really getting nowhere), or sit on your butt, poor, worried & starving. Either way, having a meaningful life balance can be very challenging.

I can't believe I've been on this planet as long as I have & pretty much life is still as much of a struggle as it ever was. Having someone to share it...doesn't make it any easier, either. In fact, then you've got someone else to worry about! 😆

All we can do is the best we can. We aren't perfect & life never plays out the way we think it will. EVERYONE gets their dose of Bullcrap in life. The best we can do is just try to handle it with as much grace as we can muster & try to put a smile on someone else's face & always try to come from a place of Love & gratitude, cuz however bad things get, it could be worse! When we finally leave this life, at least we can know we tried to make our little world & the few lives we did manage to touch a little better for having known us. I always turn to humor, too. I believe it has kept me somewhat sane, as sane as a crazy chicken lady can be. 🐓🤪

When I stand before the Lord someday, I hope He will say, You did alright kid. 👍

Chronic pain & permanent damage from either the illness itself, or the treatments of such illnesses, really poses a challenge. I can honestly say that caring for loved ones dying ripped my heart up, that was more difficult than facing anything else. You chose to do something wonderful & I can only imagine how difficult that was, but you persevered.
May God continue to Bless & Smile on you! ❤️


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I hadn’t seen that 😭
It is troubling....the space and geo stuff, but the more I got educated on it the less scary it seemed and I became better prepared to face it (physically and emotionally).... every morning I watch a 2-3 minute space weather news update at the link below....that way I know, for example, where to expect earthquakes to hit, or if the solar wind speed is high, I may feel a bit foggy, weak, and achy that day and plan less strenuous activities (and pop a couple turmeric capsules)... or if the kp index is high I know that my internet or radio signals may be affected....Most don't know that sun and other celestial bodies can affect our emotional state and physical bodies just like the moon affects the tides, especially if you have heart or mental health issues, and they may go through the day disturbed by not knowing why they feel a bit off....

As far as an earth directed x-flare like the Carrington Event, we are expecting to see a much greater one than that, but if you keep up on the news you may have a heads up and some time before it reaches the planet.
Yeah, see?
I sometimes imitate Edward G Robinson, that tough guy accent, "Yeah see" & I always get a laugh. Anyway, one time, I guess my phone overheard me...I nearly jumped outta my skin when men's voices came from the other friend's eyes got real wide & she was speechless, looking at me terrified...we were in my house, just 2 gals having coffee in the kitchen & those men's voices came from my bedroom! I cautiously went in there, saw my phone on the night stand charger...that darn phone was talking!
It was a movie clip, mafia men talking with Edward G Robinson.
There are times this phone gadget really freaks me out! 🤣

If you use Siri or whatever voice activation system ( incl dictation) you are constantly monitored . We discontinued using Siri cuz it would activate on its own without prompting. Creepy.

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