How young will they crow?


5 Years
May 21, 2018
San Andreas, CA
Hi all :) My 7 serama fluffs hatched about 11 days ago, maybe 12? Boyfriend and I were just talking last night about getting a bigger, outdoor brooder.... Theres one tiny black fluff with a white chest that is always first. He hatched first, and clearly enjoyed running round to every chick trying to hatch and pecking them lol. He's actually not noisy, but he challenges my hands when I reach in, he tried to fly the day after hatch, you get the picture lol. Anyways, this morning I get up and hear the weirdest sound, I thought maybe one was hurt or something, very loud strangled peep. Found him standing very proud on top of his heat-box-thingy, made the noise 6-8 times. I was laughing too much to think about recording, I'll try to catch it tomorrow.... O did I mention his name is Napolean ? 11 days crowing ??? Anybody else had this happen ? :gig
Omygosh I hope hes not mean !! I have a bantam roo named Lil Britches with a similar story, but he was crowing around 3 weeks, hes a stinker now but manageable, and SOO loud, crows every hour or so lol. Imo I think its adorable, protecting his girls wen hes only as tall as their feet :gigmaybe Napolean had food stuck in his throat lol, it was such a strange peep haha... I introduced grit two days ago? I'll know tomorrow if it happens again lol...

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