Sounds wonderful and looks GREAT!!!
Let me just say, Nifty has really done his homework here.

Like he said, it will take some getting used to, but having "kicked the tires" on the new site, I can assure all of you, you will love it.

Change is good.... and I'm looking forward to how it's going to make the Easter Hatch, that much better!

Concidering I'm old and set in my ways, I've been logged in non stop the past few days. You guys are going to love all the things to play with. I could never get color to work here in my posts. No longer a problem. And everything is clear and clean looking.

I think we all need to thank Nifty for providing one of the best site on the web. We always get new features, granted some go, but overall there are always wonder improvements. I've seen lots of sites that are full of spam, nothing upgraded, just left the same way they've always been with no improvements. But this place! BYC has to be one of the most awesome places. Who would have thought that when they joined a "CHICKEN" website and forum, that it would be so wonderful and that someone would be as caring as Nifty to only make it better.

Thank you Nifty!

I wish I could take credit, but all this wouldn't be possible without the AMAZING support of the BYC Staff and the tons of members that support our wonderful community in so many ways!


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