Brody's Broodello :

So very disappointed about losing the features on the Auctions. Since eggbid went down, there were a ton of auctions sites to start up, but BYC had THE BEST by far, and it has become THE auction site for BST. Not sure if those that leave because of losing the bidding feature, will come back. Just wanted to show my disappointment as well as the dozens of friends that have emailed me in the last 2 hours about this.

Took the words right out of my mouth..... I am all for change, but this almost seems like a step backwards! (in the auction area) Please find a way to continue the auction site as it is.
I too have received a few messages from disappointed byc friends.

Best of luck on Tuesday! Hope it all goes well!​
Brody's Broodello :

So you are saying the the bid system will be back at some point, that the "old" way of selling is a temp thing, until things get ironed out?

We want to add auctions / bidding back in the same way it is now (but better) but since there are so many other bigger priorities in the queue, we unfortunately can't say if and when the functionality will be added.

Keep in mind that BYC functioned as an "auction platform" for 7 years before we had an "auctions platform".
Our super clever members will find ways to still allow peeps to "auction" and "bid" in the new system like they did for years before we added auctions here. It won't be as seamlessly easy, but it will be an option. Our sandboxees (sandboxers?) are in the process of testing the new classifieds system and are already finding interesting ways to make them function as a type of auction.​
Oh... there sure will be!!!

Unless you have already done so, it might be nice to explain to the Gold & Platinum what the advantages are. As more PM and Storage space were the main advantages or so I thought.

Actually, we polled our GFMs & PPMs to ask why they purchased a membership upgrade.
The #1 reason (by far): "Just To Support BYC"
#2 is almost perfectly tied between: More image & PM space & Custom Title

Here's an example of one of the many features GFMs get: The ability to turn off ads on the site!

So, don't worry... we've put a LOT of thought into all this stuff, but if any members feel like their membership upgrade is no longer of value, they can contact us.

Thank You for your response. If getting more storage space was the #2 reason for upgrading and you still decided to give it to everyone else for free, I'm sure that you had good reason to do so.
I'm really looking forward to the in system spell check feature. I have MS Word running at the same time I'm posting so that I can check spelling on any word I'm not sure of.

One thing I am sure of is that BYC will still be the best chicken site on the internet.
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Heck yeah...because what REALLY makes BYC great is its members. The new features are super-exciting, but without BYCers on the site participating, contributing, and building community, we'd really not have that much to brag about.

You guys are awesome!
I am also extremely disappointed that the auction function is disappearing. It's the major reason I use BYC and purchased a platinum membership & it's loss is already lighting up the facebook groups that are very involved in the auction process. As others have pointed out, BYC has become THE place to bid on eggs since the demise of eggbid and old eggbid customers are still migrating to BYC as an alternative. While it may not seem like a priority, auctions DO bring the poultry community together as eggs and birds are exchanged. Yes, sellers including myself have wanted more control over who they sell to, but not at the expense of losing the auctions altogether.

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