Huh? Weird


12 Years
Feb 1, 2007
St. Louis, Mo.
Take a look at this:

Where the heck is everybody? It hasn't been like this since'07! lol

I'm guessing it's a Saturday and everybody is either asleep or working on the farm.
Just wanted to point this out!
Oh it was about 7:15 eastern when I got this.
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Wait until the time changes. The daylight is coming. Will you complain then about it getting dark close to 5:30 in the evening?

I think we should stop changing the clock and roll with the natural day and night cycles.
nope,,, will lUV it hehehe,,, im used to it getting dark by 4:30 up north,,,,,,i think its funny how up north, we get all that extra daylight,,,, but down here seems like theres about an hour difference between summer and winter

how ya doing missprissy?
remember my girls crying for the guinea? then pigging out,,,, well ya should have seen the pic of the big red roo they ate,,,,,just bones left
Hmmm, I've been here. Raining cats and dogs- wish it was chickens, but they are stuck inside- none have enough feathers to keep warm.
Have a great day and the numbers maybe low, yet they are quality members!
It'll be no fun when the time changes. I will be getting up in the dark and getting done at night in the dark! Yuck!!!! It really does have an affect on a person.

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