Human emergency rations ok for hens?


7 Years
Sep 25, 2012
We have an emergency kit of food and first aid for the humans and pets in our family. We replace the canned goods and other edibles when they're close to expiring. We have some portions of emergency rations and I'm wondering if we can feed them to our hens to help eat them up? They are DATREX brand. The ingredients are wheat flour, vegetable shortening, cane sugar, water, coconut and salt. Each bar is 838 calories. Seems like the ingredients would be fine for the hens, and we could give small amounts as treats. Thoughts?
Should be ok as long as you don't make the emergency bars more than 10% of their daily feed. Treat the bars like you would any other treat.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I've been giving them little bits for treats once in a while and all seems fine so far.

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