Humane way to stop mice from invading quail cage

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So you are knowingly drawing mice in and greatly increasing their numbers by feeding them, and this is somehow the landlords fault and responsibility? :rolleyes:
I have absolutely no idea what u're talking about. Lol.
This video might help you out with what type of trap is least cruel. I use the old school victor traps and throw them away after one use so i dont have to touch the mouse.

Good video. Also, so he understands if he goes with the traditional Victor trap like the very first one the guy in the video talked about, that there are smaller ones. The one in the video is for a large rat. If you are dealing with smaller mice you do not want one that big. It will probably not catch a mouse because it is just too big and the hammer part will miss a small mouse. The smaller ones do look pretty much identical to the larger ones other than size, and of course work the same way.
I understand the whole wanting to be humane but mice carry lost of diseases which is not only harmful to you but also your quails . I honestly would put my compassion for the mice aside and focus on the safety of your birds and self .. uses the snap traps ,dispose of bodies in trash, wash hand and bleach everything the lil shits have come into contact with . Stay safe .


Mouse feces and urine can dry and turn to dust, spreading viruses through the air we breathe. Hantavirus is commonly spread this way and can cause fever, chills, and aches and pains. If left untreated, it can progress to kidney failure and intense shortness of breath.


Mice may track waste debris, along with dirt and bacteria, across countertops. This is a common cause of salmonella (food poisoning), as we may touch kitchen surfaces while making food. Symptoms like fever, stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea can become serious over time.

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV)

This viral infection is typically carried by house mice and can cause serious neurological problems. Humans become infected through exposure to fresh mouse droppings, urine, saliva, and nesting materials.
I have absolutely no idea what u're talking about. Lol.
Yes, the smaller ones can still hurt a little if you get snapped by it. Those big ones can really hurt a lot and maybe fracture a bone or at least break skin. I do not know about actually removing a finger or toe but then I have never been caught in one that size thankfully.
They're getting into the quail pen and eating all the feed. By allowing them access, you're basically feeding all of them
Oh, such ridiculousness. This is supposed to be a forum geared to dish out helpful information from knowledgeable people and instead ic ppl acting like high-schoolers. Don't waste my time with dumb comments.
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