Humidity must've worked I HAVE A CHICK! *update 100%hatch !**

ya'll using still air incubators? I was going to get a fan kit for mine, but if ya'll are having this much trouble with forced air, think I'll stick to still air .

Mine flucuates a little... at night it will sometimes drop as low as 99.4 or so, and in the afternoon up to 102.5 sometimes, but the chickies are growing, I saw them when I candled the other day!!! Was soooo cool.

If you really must know...well, she was going to microwave soaked maxi pads...
Hatching human moms are NOT crazy..we are NOT... honest. Was going to microwave to bring the temp of the 'soak' up before putting it in the incubator.

AND- I am not using a fan, my incubator is still- air. That is what made me crazy last night. Out of nowhere, my temps just whacked out. For no reason except that it was Day 18 and I was trying to get my humidity up and ready for the next three days....holding at 100.6 now.
Yeah we are still airing it. Mine went down last night too so we'll still be together on day 22. Oh well. Better than 107 degree spikes! My hydrometer still says 55% I have 2 maxi pads a sponge all water trays and a dixie cup. It has to be wrong. I'm afraid they're going to drown if I put any more in there.
Right now I have 2 - 9" X 13.5" x 4" pans (With HUGE SPONGES) in the bator with water. The humidity hovers around 40-41% I guess I will add a 3rd pan.

I do not have Maxi Pads
Nor do I think think I ever will (Crosses fingers). Depends on the other hand, could be in my future, *Takes a sip of Geritol*

"Raising to the occasion means not only moving your feet but your butt as well." - Gate
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A PIP! A PIP! ANOTHER PIP!!!! THat makes TWO!!!


oh i forgot to add:

I decided I am raising the humidity in my kitchen instead of trying to mess with that, I have four giant pots of water boiling in there...air feels like South Georgia after a rain storm...
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help;hope that POISON IVY can answer,this all new to me I'm using a cabinet 1202 incubator unit. problem incubuted 100 eggs got 37 chicks. temp was stable at 99.5,humidity not sure.MY unit has 6vents three top and bottom. all eggs had chicks but they were wet or came out cripple and die.Please help me with the next hatching from temp to humidity most are chickens plus turkeys. thank you.
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