Hungry post whelp bitch

I would give enough to tide her over, but not over feed her, you definitely don't want to cause digestive troubles with a nursing mom.
If it were me I would boil some of the oats, fry up some of the ground meat, mix it up and feed it. You would have a lot less trouble this way. I am not a fan of raw meat because of the possibility of bacterial contamination. I once took care of a dog who had some digestive issues, and on orders of his vet I fed him cooked hamburger and rice.
Both Cassie's and old dogs ideas are good. Just make sure the oat concoction is very moist, not crumbly. Add some warm milk to the oatmeal concoction so it is almisa but not quite a gruel.
Just a comment on the milk. If you have canned milk use it instead of fresh. I have found that a lot of cats and dogs who get diarrhea from fresh milk can consume canned milk with no issues. I don't know why.
How's your girl doing?
She liked the oatmeal and venison, hated the macaroni noodle, but ate the dry just fine when I finally got it, got to tsc just an hour before closing. Right now we are up and feeding, she is such a fussy mother always has her nose somewhere.
If it were me I would boil some of the oats, fry up some of the ground meat, mix it up and feed it. You would have a lot less trouble this way. I am not a fan of raw meat because of the possibility of bacterial contamination. I once took care of a dog who had some digestive issues, and on orders of his vet I fed him cooked hamburger and rice.
This is what I did,
Awh, that's great! she's beautiful and so are the puppies . I see two colors here . What is the lighter color called?
I saw Ch. Tobole's Serengetti (sp?) it a show one time in So. Calif. So beautiful, such symmetry and grace. I literally wept with appreciation.
Besuty and grace will do that to one sometimes.
Happy for y'all,

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