Huskies 🖤 anyone else?

Lunie walks great on a leash. When we first got her, we couldn't take off hereash until we got inside and closed the door because she's bolt and chasing her down could take hours. One day, my son accidentally left the back door open and I realized Looner was gone. I ran outside calling her name only to find her laying on the front porch. She came over and walked off leash like we'd been doing it since she was a pup, literally at my side.

Nowadays,well walk to the end of the driveway (1/4 mile), get the mail and walk back, and she never gets more than 10'-15' away from me. She tracks back and forth ahead of me, checking scents and eating grasshoppers, and always keeps an eye on me. If I stop, she comes to me and watches my face. If I change directions, she comes up and bumps my hand with her nose to reconnect with me, then does her scout thing in the new path.

She really is a good dog. I have no doubts that she'll joyfully kill all my chickens, the neighbor's cat, random possums, raccoons and maybe even the neighbor's dog if she got a half a chance but, other than that tiny character defect, she's an excellent dog.

And yeah, her eyes are spectacular. Whenever we're out and about, she pulls in the ladies. If I was single, she'd be a great wingman.
My neighbors called 911 every time mine got loose. Houdini would have been a better name for him than the one I gave him.He would jump up and spin and then spin the opposite way way.He knew putting stress on the swivels broke them and was very good at it.I had to custom make all his collars and chains but over time he broke them all.I had to make them bigger and bigger each time to hold him
She came to us with that name. It seems to be the most popular name for wolf-like dogs so I'm rebelling against it. I've tried changing her name to Lola but she, my wife and my son ignore it.

So, Luna it is. Or Loonie-doonie big fat goonie.
My previous Husky/Akita mix came to us with the name Lola. The rescue originally called her Loba (Lobo feminized) but figured she'd be harder to rehome with that name so it became Lola.

My current big girl supposedly has Husky in her (her former owner listed her as Husky mix) but looks 100% Anatolian, and doesn't show Husky traits, so :confused:.
Oh you're so lucky! She must know that you are where she wants to be 💜

Is she good with other dogs, too? Other than the beagle?
No; she's got to be the king dog in the situation. My in-laws bring their dog over and Luna immediately pushes her head over the other dog's neck to assert her dominance; if he doesn't submit immediately, they battle until he does. She also begs to go out when she sees the neighbor's dog on our front pasture, and her body language indicates outrage at the interloper's trespass.

It's a different story when she's on leash, though. She completely ignores other dogs unless one tries to mount her. She'll snarl and snap but doesn't seem to need to be dominant. We were at Cabela's and a yellow lab youngster lunged at her, grabbing her by the neck and shaking. It was clear to both me and Luna that the dog was playing because she didn't even react- just allowed the pup gnaw on her neck, growling like he was taking down a caribou. The owner snatched him away and apologized profusely but Luna comported herself in a very tolerant manner.
They are a good looking dog a bit to fluffy tho for my liking, I once brang one home when I was a teenager that I found on the street and my jack Russell at the time attacked it the husky grabbed her by the neck an shook her around so I just went an took the husky to my friends house up the road opened there front door an let it walk in as I left there drive way I heard my friends mum yelling lol.
I fell in love with Huskies when I was a kid since we watched Iron Will so many times. Now that I'm grown up and have a homestead of my own, a husky with its personality and high energy just doesn't fit what I'm looking for in a dog, we ended up getting a mixed breed. But I still think they're gorgeous. My aunt has always had them and usually includes a photo in her Christmas picture each year. ❤️
I raised a full blooded Husky from a pup and he was a doll baby.However.He killed his first turkey in our backyard at 6 months and the killing never stopped.He'd throw field mice up in the air as if it was a game and swallow them whole.He also chased cats and eventually caught,killed and ate them.I re-homed him out of fear he would eventually kill mine.He never killed any cats or chickens of mine but it was only a matter of time.
He couldn't get to the chickens they were all in a pen.I only had one cat when I had him and he was raised with it was why. He was a fence breaker,chain breaker and forever getting loose.People were terrified of him when he got loose thought he was a wolf. I got sick of him escaping and killing animals.It was the cats that made me the maddest.
He sounds very wolf-like!
Getting rid of a pet you've had since they were young can be difficult. Do you know if he was ever adopted into a nice family?
My neighbors called 911 every time mine got loose. Houdini would have been a better name for him than the one I gave him.He would jump up and spin and then spin the opposite way way.He knew putting stress on the swivels broke them and was very good at it.I had to custom make all his collars and chains but over time he broke them all.I had to make them bigger and bigger each time to hold him
🤦‍♀️ that boy was determined for adventure. I cannot imagine! 🤯 you almost have to be two steps ahead and hoping it works.
He sounds very wolf-like!
Getting rid of a pet you've had since they were young can be difficult. Do you know if he was ever adopted into a nice family?
We re-homed him to close lifelong friends .Unfortunately he continued killing animals and after he ate their cats they rehomed him. He was kept inside a chain link kennel so no cats could get close enough to him to be killed or eaten. He lived with them until he passed.
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I fell in love with Huskies when I was a kid since we watched Iron Will so many times. Now that I'm grown up and have a homestead of my own, a husky with its personality and high energy just doesn't fit what I'm looking for in a dog, we ended up getting a mixed breed. But I still think they're gorgeous. My aunt has always had them and usually includes a photo in her Christmas picture each year. ❤️
I have yet to see Iron Will but I see it on my Disney recommended all the time. I'm going to check it out :D

I know what you mean though. This passed year was a reality check of that for us. DH ruptured his Achilles tendon on a skate with Shadow then my niece (helped so much with the dogs) moved out. A lot has been on my shoulders and I thought I wanted another husky in the future but now, not so much. Just gotta be realistic for the animals sake.

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