I accidentally bought some eggs! Oops!!

How long does the hatching disease take to set in? Or do I have to get an incubator before I will become infected?

No, you don't have to have another incubator to become infected. In fact, the more infected you become, the more incubators you will acquire. I currently have 3(one is a giant GQF cabinet incubator-YES, it has gotten that bad for me).
I'm doomed...
I want to be doomed but DH would literally have a cow if I bought a cabinet incubator. Maybe I can save up money, buy it and then tell him I found it on craigslist for $50?
What tipped me over was my first broody hen, who hatched a single chick.

First, the whole "confinement" period, watching and caring for her while she brooded and I worried none would hatch or she would give up early, since she was only 7 months old. Then, just one chick. (Who is now laying eggs, herself! Such success!)

So I investigated incubators suitable for newbies... Bought one, had it for 3 months. Then won an egg auction I bid on "just to see" and never expected to win. But I did! So I set those eggs.

The first time you see a chick emerge from the shell, you will be hooked. A life from something I could have very well cracked open and had for breakfast 21 days earlier - a miracle!
How long does the hatching disease take to set in? Or do I have to get an incubator before I will become infected?

No, you don't have to have another incubator to become infected. In fact, the more infected you become, the more incubators you will acquire. I currently have 3(one is a giant GQF cabinet incubator-YES, it has gotten that bad for me).
I'm doomed...

Where is the "Like" button???
lol do not have to get an incubator to get the "disease..." lol won an auction for duck eggs one day. Just moved on to 5 acres about 8 months ago and have a huge pond and wanted to decorate it! After i won the auction i went "uh need to figure out how to make an incubator! I then dragged the hubs to the home depot to get the things i had researched i needed to make a homemade incubator!! lol my hubby is a aircraft electrician so i had him wire it up for me after i cut all the wire and put in all the water pans in... Then after we used that one a few times on some Ducks and RIRs, we built an even bigger one and hatched my Dels/BA and some quail in it. Ordered some turkey eggs but they were no good:hit Now its up and running. Waiting on these new eggs! And they just arrived and are numbered and setting next to it waiting to get there chilly butts warmed up and growing.... i need a cig!!!
This thread is dangerous. I had to get away for a while before I twitched. Now I'm sitting down for lunch and you see where I'm at
Careful that's how it starts then you accidently hit the "buy it now" button... Its just a light click all it takes.... You may have to back away from computer... My outside chores are done I'm going to shower and clean up and stay away...
I have eggs on the way, should be here tomorrow but I sooo want to get more. I think dh would kill me if he knew, lol. He thinks I am crazy.I will wait til spring, I will wait til spring....

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