I am a failure at chicken coops....

I would buy that shipping crate on Craigslist and trick it out myself! Put a slanted roof on it, cut a door and a pop door, make some nest boxes. Just add chicken.
I know at the school my son attends they do everything from scratch. I think you would have to either provide everything or pay them for cost. His school builds lots of dog houses that they sell to make money for other supplies. There are always new houses put out front towards the gate to the shop that are on display. You might want to call one before you buy something they can't use.
I used to use a ton of power tools years ago. I'd buy them all the time. Then 14 years ago my husband took over with any projects and I rarely picked on up. No I can remember how to use the ones I'm not affraid of. I try, but I've always been afraid of some of the saws and could probably do it if I had tables or whatever.
I just called a local tile store I remember seeing shipping crates at and they said they have 2 they will give me for free! DH is going to go pick them up for me! yeah. Ok now there is a start. ( PS DH is worse with tools that I am, so if your wondering why he doesn't build me one)
Some suggestions,

1. Here where I am I buy metal connector the home depot to connect 2x3 or 2x4's since it's easier for me to screw them together than wield a hammer. Even then it takes days to finish a project.

2. work from a "pattern". Take the pattern to HD and have them cut the pieces for you and then bring them home and put them together. If you can find an easy pattern for say a garden shed. Use that and convert it to a chicken coop.

3. If you have a cordless drill, I find it better to screw things together. They will hold much better. Drill pilot holes first. Smaller than the screw you are using.

4. Check on CL or elsewhere for a chickens friend to help assist you in you project.

5. Start small and work you way up to something bigger.

6. Take lots of breaks, never work when your upset or frustrated.

7. Sometimes when I can't figure a problem out I sleep on it.

8. Search the internet and copy someone elses design.

9. A coop does not have to be "tall". The best IMO are high enough for you to walk into and low enough in the back to be slanted and help rains and snows to run off.

10. Draw your idea out first on paper. Front, sides, back , and roof and floor.

11. Ask for advice at the HD or lumber yard. I needed help to fix the drain under the house and found a guy there to tell me what to do. I had had it all wrong. As it was I had to fix it twice.

12. Measure twice and cut once. Work with whole numbers. Not things like 12 1/2 ".

Use your imagination, I wish you well,

Congrats! And lots of women build their own. I probably would have been better at it if I hadn't had a husband that said "You have a husband to do these things for you now." I would work with him some, but usually he just wanted to do them for me.

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