I am a new member and questions :)


7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Hi, I am new here, although I have perused the site for answers to questions.
In August we purchased 10 hens (can't have roosters as we live within city limits). Three were 2 months old, three were 4 months old, and two were 6 months old. We kept the smallest in a different coop for a long time, and gradually introduced them to the others. coops were side by side.
Here is my problem, they kept dying, we have two form the original 8 left, I found out we weren't supposed to have cedar shavings in the coop on Halloween, so we completely cleaned the coop out, fresh food, he whole thing and put in pine shavings. We have seven hens now, supposedly 4 of them were already laying when we got them, but NONE of them are laying for me. I am guessing they are stressed,but when will they de stress? We feed them laying crumble, with egg producing stuff mixed in (can't remember the name, bought at tractor supply), fresh water in a 5 gallon bucket with the watering things screwed in the bottom, scratch in the morning, mealworms as a treat, and I generally fix them something once a week (noodles, cornbread, greens, etc), they are really spoiled
My breeds are 2 buff orpingtons, 1 buff/brahma mix, 1 brahma, 1 amaracauna, 2 cochins, and one dominicker. The brahma/buff mix and dom are from the original. They all get along great. The smallest cochin seems to lead the pecking order. We have them in a 10x6 homemade coop, 6 laying boxes, shade and sun parts, roosting limbs and plastic around it for the cold right now, there is no plastic on the front, just the back and sides. heat lamp for the cold nights.
Sorry for the book, just trying to give as much info as possible. LOL
look at thir eyes and beack is thir eyes runny is thir beack wet if so thay have a cold and from what you said my be a bad one how cold is it where you live you might want to put a heat lamp in the roost an a reg. light for day light for eegs right now i`d be more worried about cold and not to worrie you but thir was a bad out brake of bird flu this year if thay have a cold then go to feed store not trackter and get some aintbotics you can get them online but you may need them sooner then that drop the treats for now bread corn bread greens an cracked corn all good some of the meds say do not eat the eggs and them are what I would try cuss your not getting any now try all this and please let me know if it helps
I had one that had a bad cold, believe it turned into bronchitis. I seperated her from the others and treated her with Tylan, Pedialyte in the water, and VetRX on the beak. She died two days ago. I treated all the others with VetRX just to be on the safe side, but they all seem fine.
there was some runny poop today, but that is not usual, generally when I clean the coop, there is not any runny, but did see some today, not sure which one is doing it though.
i`d get them on the stong stuff fast don`t know about where you live but here we can buy a hipo right over the counter for dogs chickens an what you dois spread the feathers on the breast and giveit to them can`t remimber the name right now you may want to see a vet with the noes with runny eyes and put them in a nother coop away from the others and i`d add some pedialyte to the water on the rest also when you stop on that always add 2 tbs. of apple vinter to thir water it kills grems and thank for getting back to me
Most chickens start laying between 18 to 24 weeks or longer. Some sexlink chickens may start sooner. however this time of year they may begin later..
A night light may help. If your not sure of you chickens health take one to a vet. But I would guess that you just need to give them more time. It may help if you could expose them to more light during the day.

I have redsex linked chickens ages 20 to 24 weeks and I just got one egg this week.

good luck


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