I am almost ready to give up!!!!!!!!!!'

HI, Sorry to hear your troubles. I have a couple of suggestions.
1. Boredom-hang some light catchers in the coop to catch their attention. They have the attention span of gnats.
2. Behavior modification-I read somewhere to get a water pistol and shoot the one that pecks. After a few times they get tired of it and usually stop.
3. The ointment on the pecked area is a good idea. It does help.
4. Don't give up. Chicks all are sweet in the beginning and then they go through a spell of being skiddish. It is good, it is God's inbred instinct to protect them from predators.
Keep us informed.
i have heard that chickens pick on each other because they are bored...try giving them a little alfalfa hay to pick at ..i hear that it works..
And How! My chicks hate getting a blast of water. I use a spray bottle and make sure it's marked with "Water Only" so that chemicals don't get sprayed on the chicks. I also like the spray bottles verus water pistols because they have more uses around the house and they hold more water. Also you can adjust from stream to spray. Sometimes it's nice to be able to mist down some hot peeps in the summer.

Otherwise, it's very effective as behaviour modification. If you've got a bully, they won't be for long if they get an annoying stream of water every time they peck on the weaker ones.


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