I am being given a beautiful bird

He is a very beautiful rooster. Very likely a cochin cross - if he has 5 toes on each foot, he is a silky/cochin cross.
I can't have a rooster because of the noise, but I did see you can now get collars to put on them to reduce the noise they make. Do they work

two of my chickens that I was given turned out to be roosters and I had to rehouse them so I don't want to take another only to have to rehouse it. I couldnt tell from the photo if he was male as there is so many feathers. His comb is small.
so you think he really is a male.

he really is beautiful but my neighbors wouldn't like the noise. and neither do I :)

do the collars work. Has anyone out there used one.
Yeah - that is 100% rooster, which is usually the case with those "beautiful free birds". Rather than getting him and hoping/trying to quiet his crow with a collar, etc just let him be passed on to a home where a rooster is a more welcome addition.

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