I am exited but nervous about my shamo chicks that are being shipped


10 Years
May 13, 2009
I am getting 6 shamo chicks from florida and i am very exited. but i am also very nervouse because i live in maine and its really cold here know. What do you guys think. Will the chicks make it. they are a couple of months old. i am so scared that something will happen to them and they will die. or get sick from the cold.

When the birds get shipped what are they in for tempature. will they stay warm enough and so the people take care of the boxes or do they just throw them. i am so nervouse.

they cannot be shipped until the new year so i have some worrying time to do.
I had a pair Coronation Split Sussex shipped in November and just my luck it got really cold and I stressed pretty badly. But, they arrived fine and healthy.

They should be okay.

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