I am getting chicks after....


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
I am going to get chicks after this next cold front (which is starting now) from our local feed store, its chick days again! and it is really called chick days at our feed store. Right now they had mottled houdan pullets, buff and partridge cotchin pullets, golden laced wyandott pullets, according to them colored eggers (they wherent EEs as they had another pen that said EEs on them.), and even a splash silkie that i wanted so badly but couldnt get because my father wants me to wait until after this next cold front which hopefully wont be long!
i am so eggsited and i hope they get all thee breeds again soon.
Darn! parents can be downers sometimes, I once rode my bike to pick up some chickens after they said to wait until easter that was a load of fun and the best part of all they were waiting outside my house because a lady on my block told them I had a sack full of chickens.( I only had 3 by the way)
Yes i was really down at first about not getting that darn splashed silkie but i know they mean well. and they assured me that "sence it is chick days they will get more splash silkies or whatever they are called?" (they dont know much about chickens) so i am hoping they are right.
good luck to all of you who want chicks out there!


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