I am getting my game plan into action . . .

4 to 6 weeks with a heat lamp. When they are fully feathered out they can go outdoors. I keep mine in the garage...warm enough for them and doesn't get the house all dusty
Put them in an area where you won't mine an inch worth of dust everywhere!
If you have electricity in the coop and can stabilize the temperature there, you can raise them in the coop. I put my brooder in the coop, put a draft guard around it, and raised them out there. As far as how long they need heat, when the night-time lows are the same as dropping the temperature 5 degrees a week, you are perfectly safe. I'd expect Illinois could have some pretty cold nights in April.

Fully feathered can vary some by breed and how fast they develop, depends some on nutrition, stress, whatever. I considered mine fully feathered at 4 weeks, but I am further south and I was later in the year. I also had 28 so they could huddle and keep each other warm.
My chicks are raised outside in their own playpen-mine don't brood
As long as you can keep the drafts off them and a heat lamp for warmth they are just fine...just check the temps and make sure the area is big enough for them to be under or out of the heat as they want.

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