I am going to MURDER

Well for animals that only eat veggies, we have watched them take bones and scraps from our bone barrels ( we own a meat shop).
Porcupines are rodents...they only eat vegetable matter...

Beat me to it.

Me too! I was wondering where mmajk lived that he has such dangerous porcupines! Only my trees fear them
(unfortunately my dog doesn't)​
I found this too.

Salt licks
Porcupines in search of salt sometimes encroach on human habitats, eating plywood cured with sodium nitrate,[2] certain paints, and tool handles, footwear, clothes and other items that have been coated in salty sweat. Porcupines are attracted to roads in areas where rock salt is used to melt ice and snow, and are known to gnaw on vehicle tires or wiring coated in road salt. Salt licks placed nearby can prevent porcupine damage.

Natural sources of salt consumed by porcupines include varieties of salt-rich plants (such as yellow water lily and aquatic liverwort), fresh animal bones, outer tree bark, mud in salt-rich soils, and objects impregnated with urine.[3]

If your toss pile has things that are salty, then that would be why.
i am in northeastern ohio, where abouts are you?
we have chicks in a brooder and are finishing our coop right now.
you said you buried your fence 3 feet, will that keep everything that digs out? would 2 feet be enough? we live in the country with farmers all around and woods too, i am sure we have fox here, as well as coyotes and raccoon etc...
It keeps those out, you have to keep fencing over the top for coons.

Dogs might be able to get under, but i havent seen strays in a while.

I'm in north benton,ohio which is close to alliance/canton.
Relocating an animal always sounds like the humane solution but... it creates a lot of stress on an animal, very likely it will be relocated into another foxes home range who will not tolerate it and the relocated animal, unfamiliar with the territory will not know where to go to be safe or get food. It could spread a disease that it may be incubating. Do you know that the the spread of rabies on the east coast is attributed to people relocating raccoons for hound hunting. It ends up not really being as humane as it sounds. Us chicken owners get in this bind, either eliminate, or build a better fence:/
You know what.. the above poster is right. If you relocate him you might just be dooming him to a prolonged death.

I would get your 22, sit back and watch him do his favorite thing (torment your chickens) and give him a nice quick death before he knows what hit him. He'll die happy instead of stressed and beat up by resident foxes in a new territory.

And while this may sound gross... If you can, I would take his pelt and hang it on my coop or on the fence to discourage other foxes from coming around... because where there's one...

I'm sorry you lost some of your chickens
I'm not one to readily kill something, however, it will keep coming back, and in my neck of the woods we are having one heck of a problem with rabies in wild animals :eek:....so, you might be better off to get rid of it than to relocate it.
... Or, maybe you could view him as Nature's way of teaching you how to build a better fence? You'll probably have to do that anyway, since if there's enough food in the area to support one, there's probably room for more...

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