I am going to scream!

they think they are impressing women.

when i see men doing those things, or in expensive cars the first thing I think is they are insecure, i will not elaborate since this is a family board

the second thing I think is that they are bad with money and therefor unsuitable as mates

the third thing I think is, they are determined to cripple themselves and live either in chronic pain or end up on disability making the taxpayer pay for their stupidity, making them unsuitable mates. (there is nothing wrong with being on disability) i do not wish to pass on the desire to drown oneself in the gene pool onto my children.

most of my female friends feel the same about this behavior. but then most of my female friend are like me, and find stable, intelligent hard working men who don't try to kill themselves on a dayly basis, sexy. me personally, I have a thing for "nerds"

I find the smart somewhat childish, slightly awkward men endearing.
they think they are impressing women.

when i see men doing those things, or in expensive cars the first thing I think is they are insecure, i will not elaborate since this is a family board

the second thing I think is that they are bad with money and therefor unsuitable as mates

the third thing I think is, they are determined to cripple themselves and live either in chronic pain or end up on disability making the taxpayer pay for their stupidity, making them unsuitable mates. (there is nothing wrong with being on disability) i do not wish to pass on the desire to drown oneself in the gene pool onto my children.

most of my female friends feel the same about this behavior. but then most of my female friend are like me, and find stable, intelligent hard working men who don't try to kill themselves on a dayly basis, sexy. me personally, I have a thing for "nerds"

I find the smart somewhat childish, slightly awkward men endearing.

I doubt they are racing to pick up women. They like the adrenaline rush and they do what they think is fun.
I thought of something about your pickle... jam... (whats with all the food words describing problems?

Being 'the sort'.. and out in the boonies... and playing with toys.... it is no stretch of the imagination that they will be participating in other, more illegal activities.
In the afternoon, evening, I'm sure there is alcohol involved.. just because I've been around that sort. Even if those driving aren't drinking.. those on the sidelines may very well be.. and who knows their ages or the ages of the others around them? Who are they distributing to?
Or whatever, other illegal things may be taking place on the sidelines... any funny smells drifting your way?
Do they own the property even?
Do they all have drivers licenses and up-to-date on their vehicle registrations/tags/whatever is applicable for that kind of vehicle?
Are there laws in your area that state they have to wear helmets/other safety gear?
Are there youngsters during school hours that ought to be in school?
Are they legal citizens?
Are they transporting their vehicles to the site in an illegal manner?

All else fails, can't you take them to court for emotional distress and financial toll on your livestock operation? I would try contacting a lawyer that might offer a free consultation, on what they might be able to do about it.

I'm normally a live and let kind of person.. but geesh.. you have the right to decide if you want to live next to nascar or not... I'm sure you didn't buy the property with that in mind!
i find it terribly inconsiderate. there are far more useful ways they can prove their manhood.


join the military..
become a volunteer fireman
join the neighborhood watch
train wild horses
base jump

worse yet fools who do this risk their lives and property, and seem determined to keep themselves in the poor house by destroying expensive equipment

Well said, Kristy.

I am sorry for what you have to go through. Some people really need to show some consideration!
What's so bad about racing? I agree that they shouldn't have built it near a residence, but what they want to do with their own property is their choice. If it were me I'd join in on it.
But seriously, I doubt you have a case against them, how far away are your neighbors? Do they care? Maybe you could get a petition? I hope there is some kind of compromise.
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they think they are impressing women.

when i see men doing those things, or in expensive cars the first thing I think is they are insecure, i will not elaborate since this is a family board

the second thing I think is that they are bad with money and therefor unsuitable as mates

the third thing I think is, they are determined to cripple themselves and live either in chronic pain or end up on disability making the taxpayer pay for their stupidity, making them unsuitable mates. (there is nothing wrong with being on disability) i do not wish to pass on the desire to drown oneself in the gene pool onto my children.

most of my female friends feel the same about this behavior. but then most of my female friend are like me, and find stable, intelligent hard working men who don't try to kill themselves on a dayly basis, sexy. me personally, I have a thing for "nerds"

I find the smart somewhat childish, slightly awkward men endearing.

I doubt they are racing to pick up women. They like the adrenaline rush and they do what they think is fun.

I feel your pain Kristy. That's very inconsiderate of them. Some people buy a few acres with no zoning restrictions for just that kind of stuff. There are more and more people these days that don't care about others. They just want what they want and too bad for you.

I don't think they are doing it to impress women. Men do stuff like that for the adrenaline rush and to impress each other. We actually care more about impressing each other than impressing women when it comes to stuff like that. I love fast cars and street bikes myself. I'll take a Japanese crotch rocket over a Harley any day. They're a lot faster and handle about 5x better. Dirt bikes and ATV's allow you to feel like you are at the very edge of control. Now that I have 5 kids and A DW that rely on me, I don't do bikes. I just stick with intelligent, hard working and sexy.

Those people need to buy larger acreage and build their tracks away from the neighbors. As for zoning restrictions. That's why we live in the country. So you don't have to mess with them. You just have to hope your neighbors aren't you know whats.
They could be worse like drug dealers or meth addicts ripping off the area. It sounds like men being men or boys being boys. The last thing you want to do is confront them because once they know it bothers you or you make an enemy they will go out of their way to annoy you. It won't last long they will lose interest. I have a neighbor that target shoots and it is annoying sometimes but it also keeps away thieves. Conscientious/respectful neighbors are a gift not something you can force them to be. I cannot believe there are no women there.
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Oh, that's awful! I can relate. There are just some people who have no clue how much they irritate people or don't care. Have you talked to your neighbors about this? How do they feel?

I used to live near a canyon where people road dirt bikes and ATVs all the time, all day long. But, it was a huge open area, so the noise was negligible.
Kristy. Do you work for the Post Office? I know I'd be about ready to go Postal if it were me. Maybe load a muzzle loader up with paper towels (instead of lead) and go out there in your bath robe with your hair standing as high as you can make it. I had some other ideas, but they were so diabolical, that I thought better not to post just in case someone actually tried it. Take several slow deep breaths whenever you feel it piling up and just know that this too will soon pass.
Hopefully they will grow tired of it after a few weeks. Try to find legal ways to get it under control, though a few hours a day will still be terribly annoying.Sometimes when people know they are upsetting you they do it MORE. I would not talk to them. Lawyers are expensive. I would save that money and move if it did not resolve in say.... 2 years.

I am probably just as bad with my rooster,but he doesn't crow as long as the geese *honk* or the dogs *bark*. Some people are just really annoyed by certain sounds.My friend says the sound of a basket ball bouncing drives her nuts,but ofcourse that is legal to do so she has to listen to it daily for hours on end.

I was going to say *heres hoping for rain*,but realised that is probably exactly what they want. Ear plugs help a little.Hopefully the animals will grow used to the noise.

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