I am going to scream!

believe it or not, while I rant and rave, I'm not near my breaking point. though I did break down and cry at the hospital during mom's monthly IVG and of course, she was really upset for me embarrassing her and "pitching a fit in public" but she is a very reserved woman in that area.
Kristy, you could just go over there ask to drive one, it is actually kind of fun and you might enjoy it.
That's true. Could be a meth lab or something and you would have to leave your house till they deemed it safe. If it's Men they will probably get bored and it will get cut back to just the occasional use. Of course it will be when the sun is getting low in the sky and you are out on the patio relaxing or have friends over for a BBQ.
yes it could be worse, it could always be worse, there was a meth lab down the road but the meth heads found out real fast the town doesn't tolerate that mess, and everyone watched them and reported them until they were busted.

doesn't change the fact that this constant, loud noise is obnoxious, and disrupts years of hard work to crate a private world here with forests and fields, lots of wild life, and happy peaceful animals.

here is hoping they get bored, or can't afford it any more. though the track they put up, there was roughly twenty people and trucks there. not bikes, huge monster trucks. UGH
I would try most anything once maybe twice. I have been to a few dress up parties and if we are talking the same thing here I actually had a good time and relenquished some of my deep rooted opinions and engrained stereotypes that I had for certain folks.

I was in a serious car wreck, cars scare me.

you should try going to a dress up party, you may enjoy it.
I was in a serious car wreck, cars scare me.

you should try going to a dress up party, you may enjoy it.

ok... i think I just got owned
ok... i think I just got owned

not really. i would not think less of you for trying on a dress, but then i'm comfortable around cross dressers.
It could be worse, you could live in town next to me(I'm 55)with 5 roosters and a LOUD and I mean LOUD truck that I drag race(track only)and drive daily. Men are just big boy's, we never grow up we just grow old. You can only hope they did not get permits for the track and if they did and they charge to get in they should have emergency people there. Do a little research and you should be able to shut it down or cause them to spend more than they want with insurance and EMT's and the like.

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