I am on lockdown! NOTHING !!!! geeeshhh

Happy hatching, but what the heck is an "assel"?
not sure yet? maybe eggs for hatching, eating...blah blah blah

Would love to eventually eat them but that's a ways a way~ Haven't even done that to my chickens...lol MUDFLAP
i think i spelled it wrong aseel. Game fowl of some kind. Not from my stock but they use them for the "F" word bred with a jersey giant that is one mean sucker! To bad we will tame the beast~
i think i spelled it wrong aseel. Game fowl of some kind. Not from my stock but they use them for the "F" word bred with a jersey giant that is one mean sucker! To bad we will tame the beast~

Pretty cool birds. Boy do you want to make sure you are alpha though! Very pretty.
I looked them up out of curiosity.


Hatching vibes sent!
i think i spelled it wrong aseel. Game fowl of some kind. Not from my stock but they use them for the "F" word bred with a jersey giant that is one mean sucker! To bad we will tame the beast~

Pretty cool birds. Boy do you want to make sure you are alpha though! Very pretty.
I looked them up out of curiosity.


Hatching vibes sent!

It's my new attact chicken....bark bark
my hen went on lock down today she wouldnt even come off to eat or drink (so I took it to her)
and my 4 year old hates the waiting game! lol

Good luck....oh and post pics when they get here!

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