I am proud of me!!!! ME 1 - predator 0

Congratulations! I've waged war on the raccoons that are brave enough to come up on our 2nd story deck looking for cat food (which I put out in the am and take away in the early pm).

Glad your DH finally showed you how to use his gun. Living in the country there have been many times I've gone for mine.
Yes and many times I needed one and he was no where to be found....had to call the neighbor who gladly came and shot the predator! What a nice neighborhood I have....took 10 min to get there but hey....here comes the calvary!
hehehehehe I hear that. Well done. Sounds like me and the fox that I could not scare off...even slapped it across the face with a bag of grit...finally I got the 9mm and shot it. Stupid thing had NO fear of me and was intent on getting into the run...notta happening!
WOW you slapped it! Must have been rabid or something, you were lucky you did not get hurt.

I just kept having visions of Rooster-Red just reaching down and grabbing the dern thing and picking it up and taking it off! LOL
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Mine are all easy to carry off. I do feed them lead first.

Best to kill them, before they kill other people birds.

Here in Ohio you must kill them no relocation.

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