when I held him last a noticed a few of the wing feathers toward the tip were broken and the " joint " where the wing bends I guess like his elbow was slightly swollen but nothing was sticking up like a broken bone - man I hope I am making sense -

thank you so much for helping me with this - I really love this little guy and want to get him feeling better if I can -

Clyde loves to chase my DH around the yard and attack his boots - I would hate for him to not be feeling well enough to do this when DH comes home LOL

thank you so much stevie - you have been a great help - I know Clyde would thank you if he could LOL

i am going to head out there and see if I can get him to hold still so I can check him again

I cant thank you enough for all your help

First let me say...catch the dogs...take them to the pound. Its OBVIOUS these people dont care for them properly. These dogs would be better off and no chance to be hit by a car, and suffer needlesly.
Now, poor poor Clyde!!
If you dont feel broken bones, it might be just a sprang.
If he is walking funny...maybe a pulled tendon? Poor guy. If he is crowing, he should be ok. Must not be in too much pain I would think.
I hope he gets better soon, and maybe have DH go talk to the neighbors again, let them know what happened...and what the consequences will be "next time"
Good luck, I hope Clyde gets better soon!
I'm just as PO'd as you are!!!

Call the law once again and especially tell them that the danged dog was in YOUR house!

As for poor little Clyde, if his wing was upside down, it was dislocated. That hurts like he77! I'd try and get him to have some aspirin in his water for the pain.
If you suspect a minor fracture or dislocation, to stabilize the wing and give it time to heal, you can fold it against his body in the normal position he would hold it in and use Vetwrap to wrap around the wing in a figure 8 and hold the wing against his body. Wrap over the hurt wing and under the healthy wing so he can still use that one. Be sure to stretch the Vetwrap very little, it is easy to make it too tight and that can interfere with breathing. You should be able to easily get too fingers underneath it. I will try to google a link to a picture and add it later.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These dog attacks are relentless! More to the point, irresponsible people are at large everywhere and no doubt they are breeding!

First, Clyde.

As noted, he's probably in a goodly amount of pain. Agree with Spotted on pain relief - 5 regular (325 mg) aspirin (no substitutes) crushed per gallon of water. ASAP as it sounds like he is hurting. If he doesn't drink the aspirin water readily can you saturate a treat he loves with this water - perhaps some nice fruit? Or soak some tomato pieces in the aspirin water and then give them to him. The way he was twisted it has to hurt.

You'll be checking him carefully for injury and will determine whether he needs more intervention in order to heal (if there's been a dislocation he's in a world of hurt and it will need to be righted). Are the temps comfortable where you are for him for tonight so he doesn't have to use any energy to keep warm?

You are not silly for being upset and concerned about Clyde. He just endured a major trauma.

Now the dogs.

More irresponsible humans - epidemic it seems. Would certainly report this to anyone who will listen and since the dog's people seem not to listen, I would seriously consider taking the dogs to new homes elsewhere. Somewhere where there aren't chickens!.

I couldn't agree more! There is a great quote from the show Becker that says:
"The price we pay for living in a democracy is that the idiots can vote, say whatever they want, and procreate at will."

I love that!

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