I am so angry, I could scream!

I don't know about price comparison for eggs BUT just received 2 thermostat wafer via UPS. Shipping costs were more by weight than I had just paid for my eggs [17], and the box is crushed on all sides. The driver threw it onto the front porch and was hustling to the truck when I got to the door. No chance to stop him to see if damage was done if I had wanted to.
I think thats your first mistake. It seems the more information you put on there, the more likely someone evil person will just have to try to slam dunk the box. I only put Fragile on the box, and so far (knock wood), they've all arrived in good shape, with, I think, only a couple cracked the entire year.

I agree!!!
Last year I had 4 boxes of eggs sent, all from different states arriving within a day of each other. Most of my eggs had detached air cells. I had a horrible hatch! PO really did a number on these. Out of 2 bators full I only ended up with a few chicks. I was so upset. One of the boxes was very poorly pkgd though so that didn't help. I don't think my mailman likes me because he has to walk up a small hill to get to my house if he has a package. I live in the country and my house sits back from the road. I think he shakes them before getting out of the truck??? The other mailman is an older man and such a sweetheart and handles them with care.
edit to say that Ive had many more eggs delivered in great shape, so sometimes 'crap' happens you know. I wouldn't let it discourage you. Chicken people understand this happens and the risks involved
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Hi! It's always sad to see a box with broken eggs.
On shipped eggs I have had the most broken eggs from eggs wrapped in papertowels and then placed into a carton. I've had some pretty mangled boxes but when the eggs are individually wrapped in bubble wrap they 99% of the time come thru it ok.

Me too. Bubblewrap is a fine and wonderful thing.
Wrapping and packing eggs for shipping.
I mark all my egg boxes clearly as EGGS (unless they are going to VA, hahaha):

What is on the outside of the box is not as important as what is on the inside of the box.
Good luck!

You can PAY for insurance, but they will never pay out if the eggs are broken. Only one honest PO worker told me that... the rest will play it out like insurance is a good thing. Eggs fall under "perishable" and, in the fine print, are not covered in their insurance.
Ok here I go again.
I have ordered eggs and figure if I can get 25% to hatch that would be good. I also like to order enough to allow for damage. My concern is the gene pool and keeping it deep. I don't think I'd order eggs just for chicks. (no pun intended). I've got some hatchery birds that are very pretty.
I worked for the po for 18 years as a letter carrier. I've delivered bees and pigeons and chicks. My advice is pick them up at the po. Check to see when the truck arrives and go get them. I picked up my chicks at 6:30 am. I had them call me when they arrived. I will call them on the day I expect my eggs after letting them know I'm expecting them.
If you ship eggs why not post on craigslist for bubble wrap, save any styrofoam packaging from computers etc. etc. the heavy sheet stuff, to line the sides and bottoms of shipping boxes. Talk with the people at the local Walmart, Dollar store etc. etc. Use a box that's bigger than what you need. Leave a good amount of space all the way around. Put the box inside another box.
You might be surprised to know this but "Flat rate priority" is not always a good buy. It's only good if you have something heavy to a certain point. Eggs don't weigh that much so you might avoid trouble by using a bigger box.
Personally I would rather pay extra for a higher shipping cost if it would give me an edge on getting viable eggs.
As far as insurance goes check to see if what you ship is coverable. The clerk won't tell you if it is or isn't, if it means a bigger sale. Sentimental items aren't. Saddles are and it's up to you to follow up your claim. Also the po won't pay more than an item is worth even if you insure it for thousands more. Then there are those who insist against good advice. Take the time to write to the Post Master in your "State". E-mails are easily dismissed. A letter in hand is much better.
And then I'm willing to pay more for the shipping than for the eggs if it increases my chance of getting viable eggs. I would not order common breeds either. Unless I absolutely had to.
Love ya Rancher
I only use flat rate if they make sense and I can get the eggs in with sufficient cushioning. Most of the time, I'd rather use the larger box and use lots of extra protection on sides and corners and pay an extra couple bucks to ship it. Once, a customer asked for Express Shipping, the guaranteed two day shipping because things from my house to hers in California would take five days. Well, guess what? It took three days. Once, I shipped from a NC p.o. to a NC location about three or four hours away. That took three days, too. All arrived unbroken, but it made no sense, the time/distance factor.
What everyone should do is go to our feedback form and look at the testimonials of buyers for their sellers to see who has a good success rate in shipping eggs. Even with the best packaging in the world, eggs can be scrambled without visible damage. I just had it happen to me and tonight had to remove 3 very important eggs from my bator.

Lisa said:

What is on the outside of the box is not as important as what is on the inside of the box

Yes, I agree 100%. I learned my original packing method from her.
And the shell quality of the eggs is one factor few think of--my Delaware eggs are pretty tough shelled, thank goodness!​
I have been thinking and thinking about this. Truly, I cannot believe that if you mark something 'fragile' the PO will mistreat it.

All the eggs that I have ever received that came in great shape were marked, not only 'fragile' but stuff all over them--'hatching eggs, do not break', so forth.

One person even put a little picture of chicks on the box, with a note saying 'this is what I want to turn in to' or something like that. It was cute.

I think the PO does the best they can, and they are all overworked. And it is true what someone said, at least once a year, I drop a bucket of eggs.

Not but what I can understand the disappointment of having your eggs broken. In fact, one time I ordered eggs from Green Family Farms. It just never came. They completely replaced it, and I got a 100% hatch from those eggs. It was my best hatch on shipped eggs ever.


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