I am so embarrassed

that's what my dad calls it too hahahaha he'll say dang it i stepped on another frog. i ask him what he does with all his dead frogs he says he keeps them in a box lol
speaking of embarrassing... we went to tombstone on vacation a few years back... i was 20 at the time.. and we saw a "jackalope" in a gift shop. i was like whoa what's that mom she said a jackalope. i said that's cool so it's like a analope (sorry i am a bad speller) and a bunny?? she said yeah! i was like wow those really exist. she said yeah, where have been? under a rock? i said i guess so! she laughed and called me an idiot lol
Our family rule on "popping daisies".

You must always set them free. If you fail to do so, they will travel up your spine, enter your brain and give you crappy ideas.
Debi, your supposed to turn to the nearest person and in a loud voice say, "YOU PIG take that outside next time".

Plus your supposed to CHEW them beans.... I couldnt tell you the story about sitting on the lawn in a circle with about 20 kids, laughing and having a great time, then slightly rocking back...... that is after a weekend of eating Boston baked beans that my mother made. OH what that a good one. THank God no one got killed.
hahaha, My baby is nicknamed the little butt trumpet at the moment bc she is the gassiest infant on the planet.

We always say they are caused by the barking tree spiders.

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