I am soooooooo Confused?????????? advice please

my hens like layer crumbles better than layer pellets the smaller pieces i guess
Just a bit more info about scratch: While people now use it as a treat it was orignally designed to be fed to truly free ranging birds as their basic diet. It is low in protein but free ranging birds should have access to plenty of bugs, worms and grubs to increase the amount of protein they get. I use it as I use the deep litter system. When I want the girls to stir up their litter i throw a handful of scratch in there and they magically turn the litter over looking for every last grain. A bit of scratch can be very useful.
great way to get them to do the work LOL I will try that. My set up is not correct yet, * hubby was nice and built it before I made a plan* but we are collecting FREE FREE FREE stuff to build a better coop in the spring, they will be fine for this winter.
They already eat better than we do, next is better housing LOL

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