I am thinking of constructing a chicken yard around a large tree, has anyone done this successfully?


6 Years
Oct 15, 2017
Cookeville TN
I have allowed my 17 hens to free range in my backyard however they have scratched up all the grass from the yard and I am now experiencing some erosion that I need to stop. I need to restrict their space while I restore the yard, and the best area is a 15 x 15 space where a large Douglass Fir is growing. The chickens like to shelter under the tree anyway so I was going to move their 2 hen houses and then fence them in with the Douglas Fir inside the fenced enclosure. Has anyone ever had a tree growing in the chicken yard? The birds dig and scratch a lot more than I expected and I would not want them to damage the tree's root system. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.
Is it a mature tree? I would imagine an established tree would be fine.

Our 5 girls have a 30’x50’ area to range in during the evenings and weekends. We planted a young apple tree in there this summer and they never bothered it.
We originally allowed the chickens some supervised free ranging. But most of the time they were restricted to the 8x12 covered run. This spring we added a 5' welded wire fence. It added roughly 20'x50' of fenced area. Part of that has a massive oak tree. They spend a lot of time under it in the heat of summer. So far we have only had two escapees. And they could not figure out how to get back in. A warning. It is not covered and the hawks watch. But so far, no losses. One close call. The hawks often perch in this oak.


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I think shade is an important feature and a life-saving one in our harsh Summers.

My concern about building a yard around a tree would be can you dig in your perimeter fencing deep enough to exclude predators or would large roots of mature trees be an obstacle? Will you be able to enclose the top of the run so that hawks are not an issue? Or would the tree provide a route into the run for hawks, raccoons, etc.?

I have my coop and run positioned with large shade trees on the West and South corners but outside the chickens' enclosure. We also have hawks who perch in other nearby trees just waiting for their opportunity.
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Unless this tree is small enough to be totally inside their run, it's going to be an issue with predator access. Trying to build around the trunk might work, as long as the tree can move a bit, and still have the trunk tightly enclosed is netting or something. Electric fence wire up there?
i have an evergreen tree in my run, it has low branches that they all like to roost in during the day. ive counted as many as 8 chickens at various heights in that tree. in the summer it provides plenty of shade. it has to many branches for any predators to get through. when i have smaller chickens that have just joined the flock it gives them a great place to get away from any bullying also. dont see any drawbacks,

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