i am thinking of getting a rooster, hubby wants a small one. what kinds are small please?

You will want to look into the bantam breeds. We had bantam barred cochins. They are very friendly. Just make sure you can handle the crowing. :barnie
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My barred rock rooster is much louder in sound than my silkie rooster, but they crow just as MUCH as one another.

Silkies are great bantam roosters. Bantam cochins, d'uccle.. There are so many large fowl that have a smaller counterpart.
no..no...no... its not the crowing. he just suggested a smaller one. we had 2 really big ones at one time. plus i think it might be easier on the girls. but no crowing isnt an issue but, now that yall mention that smaller roos are LOUDER mite mention that to him. i mean i like crowing but its doesnt have to be mind blowing

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