I am whining; warning rant inside..


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
my headaches are ridiculous!!

I feel like I'm just sick all the time now...nauseus (SP), burning sensation on my neck (backside), just annoying pounding/ache on my frontal part of my forehead...and sides...

I do NOT want to wait until the 23rd of June to see this doc again...I am so irritated...

cant find ginger anywhere to try that ginger remedy...

cant afford a massage lol...besides that'll be a short term remedy I'm sure...

ok; rant over...trying to deal with the last 52 min the girls are up...I HATE feeling this way; I cannot enjoy my children when I feel this way..
they are getting dressed right now after their bath...I made french toast for them...as soon as 8pm rolls around..I'm taking my new meds that hopefully
prevent my headaches and going to bed...

of course..Brian works this week and my schedule is crazy huge busy...

just in general; my house is a COMPLETE wreck due to me not feeling well last wk and the MRI, the 3 days I was out in bed for my headaches..etc..
my laundry is clean but piled...my canning stuff is EVERYWHERE..
I have to clean the garage out..HAVE to do it..not a want to...HAVE TO...
because why? Because crazy me...am overseeing a outreach project for the elderly lady neighbor whose floor is falling in and she is sitting on 2x4's under
her chair!!! So from thursday night to saturday night...we are packing her 3 rooms up, moving the furniture to my garage, tearing up her carpet and subflooring
and replacing it...and I am overseeing it..and many ppl have backed out..so now I'm down to a handful of ppl! ANDDDDD...I have to order the subflooring and get it delivered and find out
why the carpet company hasnt delivered the carpet to my garage yet...and find a person to lay the carpet...ugh..
and on top of that..of course i have to homeschool, run the normal
house stuff, cook/clean, school the public school kids/homework, pre-k picnic on friday in the a/m, normal church functions for my son..

however; light around the corner; next thursday, fri and saturday hubby and I will
be gone at the homeschooling convention so I'm hoping to have some down time there...we are NOT doing ANY of the evening activities..we are going to go
back tot he hotel room w/food and lay around and RELAX DO NOTHING...that may help for next wk...

ok...now the kiddos are in here ready to eat! Gotta go..42 min left lol..
AND many more

When I am in that stage, I dont enjoy it with my daughter. Makes me meaner than a cornered snake LOL! At least dd understand that a bit and feels ok.

Today is my better day, really tired fro the trip to Springfield (it was FUN) and today, doing gardening and hoeing the garden.
If I were closer I would come and help you some....headaches reallllllllly suck. Maybe you should call the dr and tell him you can'twait that long...you need help NOW. Or find another doctor.
I get mild migraines (same symptoms as yours) and it was getting to the point where I was leaving my 4hr long classes every 30 min to get sick. I had one every week for 2 months and got fed up with it. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me Propranalol. It is a blood thinner that the lowest dose is normally 80 mg, but she prescribed me 60 and it works great. She also gave me Sumatripton, which you take as soon as you feel it coming on. I have not needed to take those at all. The Propranalol also helped a lot with the little headaches I was always getting.
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I've had neck/back issues since I was a kid, which caused headaches, fatigue, etc. Chiropractic care, massage, really help, but the biggest thing that has helped me - and it's free! - is yoga. Don't know how I'd make it through the day otherwise. I highly recommend finding a simple routine and sticking to it. Best wishes.
Heck, I got a headache just reading about your day! Go relax! Take a hot bath. Get a good warm soak in the tub. Close your eyes and take deep breaths.
do you have one of those rice bags?.. the ones you heat up in the microwave?
Hi! I am a Newbie and I am sorry you are feeling so lousy. Really sorry.
I suffered with Multiple Sclerosis for 10 years. In that time I really wanted chickens. Sometimes on a 'good day' we would drive to a feed store, where we purchased a coop, then a run, then another run, etc. I never was well enough to get the chickens tho. I could barely get around with a walker. Then I was diagnosed and treated for CCSVI in 2009. Now, I am all better, No MS symptoms and I now have 4 little girls that are my prize to myself for getting better. 1-1/2 years later and I can do walking, gardening, chickens!!! No more fatigue.

I hope the MRI helps with something to help you feel better. It is sucks to be sick and HAVE to do stuff and then along with that the kids. I understand.
Feel better!
I use one of these when I have a migraine. It works wonders. If you don't have one, you can make one super quick by taking a clean sock, fill it with some rice (NOT instant) and tie a knot in the end. Done. The best thing about the rice socks / packs is they can be used hot or cold. If you have some lavender oil you could add a few drops to the sock, it will help even more. I hope you feel better soon!
I use one of these when I have a migraine. It works wonders. If you don't have one, you can make one super quick by taking a clean sock, fill it with some rice (NOT instant) and tie a knot in the end. Done. The best thing about the rice socks / packs is they can be used hot or cold. If you have some lavender oil you could add a few drops to the sock, it will help even more. I hope you feel better soon!

yep I agree 100%.. everyone says cold with migraines... and that may be true but if you are dealing with tension headaches or migraines you first have the relieve the tension before you can work on the migraine.... I only use heat when I have a migraine.. cold makes it 10X worse.. it will shock my muscles and they tense even further causing a greater headache... everyone thought i was nuts but phewey on them!..lol

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