I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

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@CityFarmerRob Did you find another egg in the rooster's cage today?
No. But I did clear everything out of there took a camera took pictures of all the boxes completely empty to make sure that they was nothing in any of them and repacked them with fresh hay wrap that Coop with some tighter wire you know just trying to eliminate some of the things and suggestions that people have come up with, which could be as true as anything else. Two of the three boxes aren't really easy to see outside the coop and since he was a rooster I had no reason to really look in them so it's quite possible what I found is a second egg may have been before the other. But time and a professional examination should reveal the truth of what's been going on with this bird.
No. But I did clear everything out of there took a camera took pictures of all the boxes completely empty to make sure that they was nothing in any of them and repacked them with fresh hay wrap that Coop with some tighter wire you know just trying to eliminate some of the things and suggestions that people have come up with, which could be as true as anything else. Two of the three boxes aren't really easy to see outside the coop and since he was a rooster I had no reason to really look in them so it's quite possible what I found is a second egg may have been before the other. But time and a professional examination should reveal the truth of what's been going on with this bird.
Thanks for the update.
I look forward to tomorrow's update.
Thanks for the update.
I look forward to tomorrow's update.
Well I found an exotic vet not too far from me, couldn't get a hold of them until now. So the appointment for Vic is scheduled for September 7th, but we're on the cancellation list if something opens up. If something changes like I find something else in that Coop or anything out of the ordinary I'll be sure to let everybody know. And during this examination I will do everything I can to document everything I can only to remove as much doubt as possible. That's if it turns out to be it what it looks like. And don't worry if it turns out that it is a rooster and there's got to be some other explanation for the eggs, I'll post that too. And I do appreciate all the feedback from everyone! Everyone has been very helpful.
While we’re waiting, I thought I’d mention that I have a hen that crows. She’s 6 yrs old, and started crowing this year. I’m not sure if she’s laying eggs any more, I haven’t seen her in the box lately. But she has laid lots of eggs, and raised babies. She’s a Sebright, and the males have the same feathering as the hens, so her only male trait is the crowing. But there are many stories on BYC of similar anomalies, and it’s all interesting, fascinating, certainly not something we need to prove.
Btw, @CityFarmerRob, I don’t think you don’t have to go the trouble of taking your chicken a vet, if it were me, I would just wait and see what happens. I mean, isn’t it really okay if we actually never know?
I’m glad you’ve joined BYC, and I look forward to seeing you around, whether your mystery chicken is ever identified or not. 🙃
While we’re waiting, I thought I’d mention that I have a hen that crows. She’s 6 yrs old, and started crowing this year. I’m not sure if she’s laying eggs any more, I haven’t seen her in the box lately. But she has laid lots of eggs, and raised babies. She’s a Sebright, and the males have the same feathering as the hens, so her only male trait is the crowing. But there are many stories on BYC of similar anomalies, and it’s all interesting, fascinating, certainly not something we need to prove.
Btw, @CityFarmerRob, I don’t think you don’t have to go the trouble of taking your chicken a vet, if it were me, I would just wait and see what happens. I mean, isn’t it really okay if we actually never know?
I’m glad you’ve joined BYC, and I look forward to seeing you around, whether your mystery chicken is ever identified or not. 🙃
Thank you for your comment! I first came here to this site cuz I really wasn't sure what I was seeing. Being me I know what I've done since this bird has been in my possession and running through the scenario I just couldn't come up with the way at that egg got in there. And I have roosters with my hands so I'm pretty sure everybody has been fertilized, he's a very active rooster. And this particular bird is one that he sired. So I couldn't come up with the logical explanation because the egg seemed slightly warm and when I candled it it looked new. I did float the egg and it did not float it sank. So I actually got the egg in my incubator just for giggles because I understand of all the rarities a chicken that could lay a self fertilized egg has never happened. Although I believe one of the members didn't mention an article and that article talked about quail laying self fertilized eggs. So back to the main point of your comment this day and age anything can happen. And even if it turns out just to be a rooster to me it wasn't that big of a deal. If it does turn out to be a rooster it's a bigger deal to me about how I was in that coop for 3 weeks and didn't see an egg in that box because that raises a whole other set of questions for a different type of medical professional! And as far as having him sex by a vet that is mostly for my own self. And I really enjoyed all the comments that I've gotten every opinion an idea is helpful. Too bad I didn't really understand about the moderate thing, but I do now. Yeah and I don't really believe this is anything that we need to argue about, it either is or it isn't. If it isn't most everybody thought that anyway and if it is, then we have something new to talk about won't we. And thanks again to you and everybody else here on BYC, overall it's helpful, educational and fun 😊. I'll keep you all posted.
Thank you for your comment! I first came here to this site cuz I really wasn't sure what I was seeing. Being me I know what I've done since this bird has been in my possession and running through the scenario I just couldn't come up with the way at that egg got in there. And I have roosters with my hands so I'm pretty sure everybody has been fertilized, he's a very active rooster. And this particular bird is one that he sired. So I couldn't come up with the logical explanation because the egg seemed slightly warm and when I candled it it looked new. I did float the egg and it did not float it sank. So I actually got the egg in my incubator just for giggles because I understand of all the rarities a chicken that could lay a self fertilized egg has never happened. Although I believe one of the members didn't mention an article and that article talked about quail laying self fertilized eggs. So back to the main point of your comment this day and age anything can happen. And even if it turns out just to be a rooster to me it wasn't that big of a deal. If it does turn out to be a rooster it's a bigger deal to me about how I was in that coop for 3 weeks and didn't see an egg in that box because that raises a whole other set of questions for a different type of medical professional! And as far as having him sex by a vet that is mostly for my own self. And I really enjoyed all the comments that I've gotten every opinion an idea is helpful. Too bad I didn't really understand about the moderate thing, but I do now. Yeah and I don't really believe this is anything that we need to argue about, it either is or it isn't. If it isn't most everybody thought that anyway and if it is, then we have something new to talk about won't we. And thanks again to you and everybody else here on BYC, overall it's helpful, educational and fun 😊. I'll keep you all posted.
I honestly don’t see how a vet can help.
You can send off a sample for a DNA test yourself if you really want to know.

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