I blame ALL of you!!!


15 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Sooo I got my two little chicks, I'm happy content...and then there is all this talk of mortality rates, addcitions, etc....soooo I get a sense of panic...and the addiction is happening! UGH!

And I blame you all! LOL

I just got off the phone with another feed store and here's the deal...IF I got a third...it would be a 'frizzle'....any comments on those...besides they are freek'n CUTE!!!!!!!


I don't really care about the eggs...it's second in line...my main concern is they are heavy (not likely to fly unless spooked) they are friendly and not spooked easily.

Oh you guys are sooo busted if I end up getting ANOTHER chick this week!
Frizzle is a feather type. You need to find out the breed to know it's possible temperment. But Frizzles wing feathers are frizzled too so even the banties don't fly well if at all.

I'd definitely get at least 1 more if not 2, just in case.
Yeah... I thought I was just getting 6 and now somehow ended up with 17???

I love the way frizzles look, but like the pp said you need to find out the breed to have an idea of the temperment.
You people are looking at this ALL wrong!! He doesn't just need that chick, he needs a whole bunch....think of the terrible mortality rates!
He needs QUITE a few as back ups, that way at least 2 will make it to adulthood.
You can try to blame everyone here but I know from experience it doesn't work. "The people on the chicken forum told me to" also doesn't seem to count as a good excuse when said to your boyfriend or husband.

Like said anything can be a frizzle. I've seen frizzle seramas.
I just called and they are going to hold a blue frizzle if they get a blue one (it's a mixed batch) and if there aren't any blues, he's going to call me

My one main concern NOW is: you can't sex frizzles??? I don't want a rooster!!! Is that true, you can't sex them??? WHY???

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