I CAN SEE HER SKULL! pullet with head wound....

I had this happen to a young pullet once, but much worse. She healed perfectly. All I did was flush with sterile saline (1 qt boiled water & 1/4 t salt, cooled) and cover with neosporin. She quickly developed a very thick scab that I just left alone and it just kept getting smaller and smaller until it eventually fell off and she was perfectly healed. She did have a small bald spot on the back of her neck, but most of her feathers grew back.

I don't used antibiotics or pain relievers for the chickens.
They are. She probably just has stubs, which are random dinky feathers that randomly grow in between the scales. Usually means the birds have some sort of feather legged ancestor. Pluck em or leave em be.

Theyre pretty numerous... i'd feel bad pulling them out. Maybe if i take her to the fair i'll pull them out first... i think theyre kinda cute.
I didn't use antibiotics except for the ointment. Since it is basically a flesh wound, I didn't see the need. That is also why I kept her isolated from everyone, so I could watch for infection. She healed up perfectly, and you can't even tell this happened. She has a peacomb, and it peeled it back, too. She was pretty much back to normal within a few days. I'd just watch the other chickens pecking at it.

I am so glad that its nothing so serious as it looks. It couldnt have been that bad because she honestly wasnt effected by it, and didnt mind much me dressing it.

I bet she'll be right as rain this time next week, they seem to heal so fast.
Stubs are cute, soft and fluffy, but they are a disqualification in show. Fine for the backyard but a no no for exhibition.
Thanks for answering that about the Welsummer feather legs. I hatched some Wellies (before my recent problems) and 3 were born with itty bitty feathers on their legs and I wondered what was up with that. I didn't think Wellies were a feather legged breed, so thanks for clearing up that little mystery. Now it's a moot point, but I'll probably buy replacement hatching eggs from the same lady because she's local and I had a great hatch once, so hopefully will again.
I think you've done a great job with her. You didn't mention if you have her isolated from the others. If not it would be prudent to do so.
yeah she's on her own in a dog crate. She's already looking better. She's root'n toot'n ready for a fight to get out of that crate, let me tell you now. I had to argue with her to keep her in it when i went to check on her.

Thanks for the info on the feathers people. I think its something I might WANT to breed into my welsummers if I was going to do such a breed. Just because I like feather legs.

Thanks guys!!
One of my 6 week olds had a similar injury. The vet stitched her up and gave her a shot of antibiotics, and a week later she was fine.

Edited to say: I did keep her in the house for 1 week.
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