I cannot believe what my neighbor did today.....

No News.....Everything is very calm here. Of course, after that scare with the cops, the kids ride their bikes on the other side of the road when they pass her house!!

She waved at me today when I drove past!!! Very bizarre, I know. But that's the way it goes with her......she's totally lucid most of the time, and then she gets really irrational and hateful at other times. My husband did tell me later, that she apologized to him and the kids. BUT, a couple of the kids were very young, and therefore we know where that apology went........

I appreciate michaelv's lengthly post. I'm sure all that info took alot of time to collect. I actually read over the Alabama bicycle laws, just out of curiosity. Drumroll: We break them all!
Dude, I am in the cowntry. YES, cowntry. Other than Joan, my next biggest worry is ticks.
Maybe I was a little hot with my response, BUT in all honesty........the bicycle stuff was really not my biggest problem with Joan, and I felt like he was discouraging me from reporting an obviously disturbed individual. Maybe I interpreted the post wrong. I'm still not convinced that calling and inquiring about how to handle a non-family mental issue, will put the authorities 'on alert' in regards to my parenting. And furthermore, if while out here, a deputy felt the need to remove my kids from my home because they pop illegal wheelies in the road.....well, laugh with me when I say, "PULEEEZE!!!!!! If they come and get my kids, they better bring the paddy wagon cuz' there's alot of law breakin' going on on County Road 243!!!

If THAT is priority with our men and women in blue, then at some point an official with a little common sense absolutely has to say, "Kids will be Kids. Guys could you please stay out of this nice lady's yard?" As I said in one of my posts earlier, Joan has always petted on my kids, cooked them breakfast, invited them to her house, etc.......and I just really wanted to focus on the rage that came across her that particular day, over that particular reason. I guess, what I'm trying to say is.....it dawned on me that she really did have a mental issue, and that, my friend, is where I needed guidance!

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I agree with you Michael...
Having mental stimulation can help a ton with seniors. I've noticed this in my inlaws. They're 89 and they have no hobbies or anything. They sit and watch the HGTV channel all day...

Glad that Joan's having a good day, Pearl.
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michael...with regards to this

"so you say that children have the right to operate a bicycle in any matter they see fit on a public roadway. i have saved the alabama bicycle laws for last. since this incident appears to be in the great state of alabama"

No I said and shall repeat the kids have the right to ride their bikes on the road just as you have the right to drive your vehicle.

There are plenty of people improperly operating motor vehicles on this country's highways, streets and road...and as long as their are kids and bikes, kids will forget helmets, be on the wrong side and so forth because they are kids.

As I do not currently nor ever have had the desire to live in Alabama, I appreciate that State's laws of the road and obey them when in that state.
Michael's posts are good, but I have to say - you obviously have no children, Michael. Doesn't mean you let them break laws, but for the most part, kids will be kids, and out here in the cowntry (I like that word) thank goodness for the most part they can be.

Pearl, I'm glad things have settled down a bit for you, hopefully they'll stay that way.
a bouquet of virtual flowers coming your way. i hope we are on the same page now. i never intended to be condescending, belligerent or accusing. nor was i questioning your ability to properly care for your kids. all i wanted to do is present a side that even i don't agree with but recognize for its weaknesses.

the old saying goes something like "there are two sides to every story". actually there are at least half a dozen sides to a story like this. the truth is that there is a possibility that no real solution is possible that will please everyone.

i work in several volunteer organizations. i am always walking a tight rope trying to present possible outcomes to any action without alienating anyone. the one sure thing is that when you get a lot of different people involved in a situation it is easy for it to snowball just like this thread did.

if i have offended anyone, i apologize. one of my greatest weaknesses and greatest strengths is that i always say what i feel. anywhere and anytime. sometimes i say things that offend people but that is seldom my intention. when i was in high school and college i participated in debate. i never even cared which side of an issue i was assigned to debate. i have an ability to look at every side of an issue and analyze it and argue it.

i grew up in a subdivision but my parents moved us to a farm when i was 11. i was driving a tractor at 11, i got my first pistol and a car at 12. i was allowed to drive anywhere i wanted as long as i stayed on dirt roads and off the pavement. this gave me about a 20 mile radius to roam. were my parents irresponsible? not at all. for the time and place this was common practice.

my wife and i can't have kids. we had to make a hard decision not to adopt. mainly was because of how involved the government is involved with legislating how you raise your kids now. but i work with youth at church and work with about 6 different boy scout troops. my wife and i spend a good deal of time in nursing homes. so we have filled the niche of nurturing other folks, both young and old, in this manner.

every situation is different. if i were living on the family farm and had kids they would have been carrying guns and driving by the age of 13. if i lived in your average subdivision they would go out and play with the neighborhood kids, ride bikes in the street and pop wheelies. in fact i would be the one teaching them to pop wheelies. where i currently live i would never allow a kid to play in the street. if i lived in atlanta i would never let my kid out of my site.

i believe that the government should not be able to pass blanket laws such as they have done with bicycles. but the fact remains that they have. since they have, we must at least be informed of them. when an issue like yours occurs you can then choose to what you do and don't tell to any public officials. no sense in telling on yourself or your kids if the man doesn't ask a specific question.

i also feel your pain with your neighbor. my next door neighbor and i used to be pals. we talked every day, he came over to my house and brought his grandkid for me to teach him how to reload pistol cartridges. i fed his dogs when he went out of town and he fed mine. one day he just changed like a light switch had been thrown. now i wouldn't be surprised if he started shooting at me. it is really sad and nothing i have done changes the situation. i have made some mistakes myself which has escalated the situation at times. life has taught me that mistakes are usually made on both sides of any issue.

the reason i was specific with alabama laws was because according to pearld's profile she lives in north alabama. north alabama is beautiful and i spend a lot of time rock climbing in that region. yes, kids have the right to ride their bicycles on the road. but the law is specific as to how it is done. i personally believe the law is too strict and luckily most law enforcement officials choose not to enforce these laws to the letter. but they could. most people have no idea about how specific and strict bicycle laws are in this country. as a bicycling advocate i have years of dealing with these issues.

people in this country continue to elect officials that pass all kinds of laws that are goofy. bicycle laws are an example of this. the only thing that i appreciate about these laws is that they help keep our right to ride in the road legal. i know kids are kids. i do a lot of babysitting and work with all types of kids in different organizations. i believe everyone has taken my statements about the laws concerning bicycles as my condoning them and saying the kids should not be allowed to have fun. one of my ministries is taking bicycles that are in disrepair, painting them, repairing them and giving them to underprivileged kids. i have spent my entire life bicycling. i want everyone to enjoy it as much as i do. but educating kids will at least get them to ride correctly when they see the cops patrolling the neighborhood. then i say go back to having fun when the man leaves the scene.

tomas jefferson once wrote, "it is a citizens civic duty to disobey unjust laws." the laws regarding kids riding a bike in their own subdivision are unjust. but if the kid lives on the side of a major state highway they make good sense. there is a time and place for everything but the law does not distinguish from different circumstances. that is the major flaw in laws.

the reason i was pointing this out originally was just to inform people that didn't know the law, especially pearl. it wasn't to say i condone these regulations. i really just wanted pearl to be able to decide how much information to volunteer to any officials if questions were asked. simple as that, i thought i was helping and was misunderstood.

no, my wife and i were not blessed with kids. i know that God had his reasons for that. first, it took me a long time to mature enough to be capable of raising kids and now that i have gained at least some maturity i am getting too old to chase kids full time. besides, with my rock climbing, ice climbing and mountaineering it would be unfair to have kids and continue with these ventures. i have seen too many of my compatriots orphan their kids when an accident happened on a climbing expedition. i really believe God has put me where he wants and in the proper situation for my lifestyle.

but God has graced me with ample opportunities to work with children as a mentor. almost every day i run into a kid that i have worked with in the scouting program or church. at last count i have taught over 400 kids how to rock climb. i teach kids to shoot guns, ride bikes, use ham radios and am even taking a group out in the fall to watch the big meteor shower for a couple of nights.

i have strong opinions on how to raise kids although i have never had to care for any full time. this makes my opinion a non experienced one in many regards but that is the lot i have been dealt. this doesn't make me wrong nor does it make me right. even dr. spock's, one of the worlds leading authorities on child rearing, granndson committed suicide. dr. john watson, another one time world renown authorities had a child that committed suicide. then again i have seen high school drop outs that were seemingly morons raise perfectly well adjusted kids.

the way i over-analyze everything combined with my obsessive compulsive tendencies, undiagnosed ADD, workaholic lifestyle, and perfectionist ideals it would probably not be fun for a kid raised under my wing. i would most likely blow a gasket if i had to deal with the day to day rigors of parenting. i recognize this and the fact that my opinions are not tempered with real world personal experience. that is why i don't normally give advice on the subject. but crazy neighbors, the cops, and neighborhood politics are a different subject and that is something i can weigh in on.

if you can't take someone giving their completely unbiased opinions on any subject without sugar coating anything, then please ignore my posts. if you disagree with me then bring on the debate. as long as you don't cuss me or talk about my momma i would really rather discuss subjects with folks that have a different view. i learn nothing from parrots. this is an internet bbs where lots of people from a variety of backgrounds, diverse foundations of beliefs and opinions come together because of a common interest in chickens. when someone disagrees with you, especially me, don't take it personally but choose to either ignore it or take it for what it is... just an opinion and we all have them.

if any of ya'll find yourself near gainesville georgia stop by the shop and i'll buy you a cup of coffee. while i might have a scary bark over the internet my bite is not bad at all. i am going to try and not drop this bbs again and hopefully the peanut gallery will get used to my deranged rantings. everyone have a good night tonight and i'll see ya'll in the morning.
Dang, that man likes to type.....

OK, Michael......I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and totally change the subject. This is what made an impression on me out of that WHOLE LONG POST:

Do you really believe that Dr. Spock is an authority on child-rearing?

I absolutely have to hear your answer. HAVE TO! HAVE TO!
sounds like your setting a trap for me. it is almost midnight and i'll have to take a pass on the tirade that would have to ensue if i got serious on this subject. for the moment, my saying that i think he is a kook will have to suffice. i need to lock up the shop and head for the house. i still have several projects at home before i take my nightly nap.

i believe the best authority on child rearing is the Bible. and on that subject one of the most important aspects of raising your children is to remember to bless them constantly. praying over them, for them and encouraging them is more important than most people can imagine.

p.s. as to the typing thing. when i was in high school i noticed that all the girls took typing. i signed up for typing class in the 9th grade and spent a full year pecking at the keys. i didn't really sweep any chicks off their feet in the process but was typing 50 words a minute by the time i was done. it has been one of the most used skills i picked up while still in the public school system.

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