I cannot believe what my neighbor did today.....

I’ve been reading this post with great interest. My mother has a form of dementia that mimics Alzheimer’s but they say she doesn’t have Alzheimer’s; her doctor says the dementia is brought on by a series of small strokes. Along with the Alzheimer’s symptoms on occasion she goes off on these tangents and becomes a total loon.

She had one of her spells not too long ago, my step-dad called and we took her to the hospital. I usually stay with her but I needed to go home, take a shower and get a fresh change of clothes. While I was gone she screamed at the nurse to get out of her room and was climbing on the furniture to get away from the nurse. The nurse left the room because she was afraid my mom would fall and hurt herself trying to stay away from her. They said my mom cursed at them and told them if they came back in her room she would kill them. She locked her hospital door and wouldn’t open it until I got there; thank God she opened it for me. I never knew hospital rooms had locks on the doors.

After a couple of days in this state of total lunacy my mom will suddenly come back and be her old self. We can take her home and she will be fine for weeks or months until whatever happens to makes her go off the deep end again. She has no memory of what happened or of anything she does while she is in this state. My mom is a very soft-spoken, gentle person; the person who comes in and takes her place for a few days at a time is mean and violent.

It sounds to me like your neighbor may be suffering from the same form of dementia as my mom. There are meds that can be prescribed that slow the progression of the dementia and also can help lesson the severity of the symptoms.

My mom doesn’t have any neighbors or I’m sure there would be a potential for problems as you are describing; especially if she were not being treated by a competent Neurologist as she is.
I wasn't questioning the Star Trek factor.........I was questioning whether or not he felt Dr. Spock was an authority on child-rearing.

In his latter years Dr. Spock came to admit that some of his tactics lead to spoiled children. He felt bad about it. Unfortunately that doesn't change the damage he did to a whole generation of children - and parents.
Well, I am of the opinion that parents should trust their OWN instincts while making decisions regarding child-rearing. I don't think one man has enough authority or knowledge to write a book telling other parents what is right or wrong regarding their child.

How many of us were taught by our own mothers to "let them cry, it won't hurt them."? They heard it from their own mothers. Well, my first child self-soothed very easily, but my second son was very colic-y. Very nervous and required lots more attention. Now, he has been diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and he is terrified of being alone. He's not a baby either. He's 9. I sometimes wonder why I listened to people when they told me he was 'testing' me. I don't think a 10 month old child can 'test' an adult. I let him scream for almost 2 years at bedtime, and refused to accept that he may need different parenting than my older son. Now I blame myself for his quirks.

BettyR: All is quiet on the Ponderosa. Sounds like your moms symptoms are similar to Joan. I only wish she would get the help your mother is getting.
Was there ever any resolution to this? I have never had a neighbor quite THAT bad. Though I have a very kind hearted loon next door. She comes over into our yard and pulls weeds and waters all our trees. Strange to find your neighbor in the yard.....

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