I cant believe its been a year!!

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EBWY He is a very beautiful baby.

Littlefarm_Bighappy. I have refrained from putting in my opinion because although I have been there before I think my circumstances were different. Is there a way to hire someone to help out with the animals and ask your husband to pay for it? I think the advise from KellyHM sounds very reasonable. It is very difficult to understand the male mind when we are pregnant. I do know that those invisible hormones do effect men and others who live with us. I know you are worried about your baby and I will pray for everyone in your family for health and peace.

KDOGG331 Actually only 3 of my children are tall my 2 oldest are rather small. Size at birth is not really always a good predictor either as my second tallest son was also one of the smallest att birth 7lbs 10 oz My tallest son is pictured on page of this thread . He is in Navy boot camp right now.

Well here in town there is a pizza place that has a prego pizza(yes it is called the prego on the menu) that is rumored to send women into labor. It was my last ditch effort to go into labor naturally. It cost $30.00 but I bought it any way. It was good, but I do not usually buy pizza at that price.
So far nothing
Sooooo I guess they will be inducing tomorrow. Wish me luck ladies, by this time tomorrow I will be in the hospital.
I am very nervous about being induced. I have never asked for pain relief before but this time I just might. I am too old to do this again without them.
I could not find the page so I will repost it. I did have fun with all you ladies and really enjoyed reading some of the past posts. It has been a lot of fun thank you all for the friendships, advise and some laughs and for sharing your baby pictures and stories with me. I know we will meet on here again but as they say babies change everything. I will post asap the baby's pictures though.


My tallest daughter in this picture was about 5' 5" in this picture two years ago when it was taken she in now 5' 9".
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thanks for reposting it, you're kids are very handsome/pretty/beautiful. congrats.

ETA, sorry if that sounds a bit odd/sketchy, not meaning to be but its true... lol
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gpamela - I hope you're on your way to having that baby by now! Good luck!!

I think I'm going to
my husband. He brought home an 8 week old puppy last night.
I think he forgot we're having a baby in a week! The LAST thing I want to deal with is a puppy! We've been talking about getting a puppy, but I thought it was established that we would wait until the baby was a little older. And it's not even the kind we've been talking about! We both wanted a female blue merle Catahoula. This one is a male brown Catahoula x Blue Heeler cross, so a mutt basically.

Sorry for the venting, but I had to get it off my chest. I work nights and should be sleeping right now, but the stupid thing won't shut up!
I was so nervous about being induced this time too. But Ethan actually turned out to be my easiest birth, even though he was the biggest. After having my last baby without drugs (at home) I knew I was going to ask for an epidural this time, and I'm soooooo glad I did, since he was so big and caused "damage" (if you know what I mean)... I can't imagine what it would have been like if I had felt that!

Oh yeah, almost forgot... best wishes to you on your big day today!!
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Good Luck gpamela!!!!!

My baby keeps head butting my bladder.It is not cool.At all.I shall need depends by the end of this journey at this rate.
can't wait to see pictures.....

note to others..... I guess lifting 50 lb feed bags in the 3rd trimester can put you on bedrest!!! Ugggh! Now what am i going to do?
Mrs. Turbo :

can't wait to see pictures.....

note to others..... I guess lifting 50 lb feed bags in the 3rd trimester can put you on bedrest!!! Ugggh! Now what am i going to do?

I'm still toting those around and they're not doing anything for me. At 39 weeks I wish they WOULD push me into labor.

ETA: I think I'm at least having BH contractions finally. It's quite distracting while I'm at work trying to examine my patients.
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Yeah, I did all that and cut the grass with the other babies, but they said this time it is because of the high blood pressure. I feel like a gimp now.
We need more pregnant women to get this board chatty again.
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