I cant believe its been a year!!

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You left me off for August 4th.
I was going to say....yippiee I am 3rd on the list, but now I am 4th...... Oh well, not much longer.
Ga chkngirl : Your daughter is so beautiful. Wow, she did great for being 5 wks early.

Mrs. Turbo: Wonderful family....you are so lucky the children look like you. I bake them for 9-10 months and they always end up looking like daddy, except they do get my blue eyes.

gpamela3499: I have been induced with 4 of my 5 children and I agree with you....avoid it at all cost. With my last child I delivered on my due date and did it completely natural. What a difference, I didn't even need Tylenol. Good Luck going into labor on your own.

I am still here. After a ruff weekend of shopping with my mother, I am happy to be home and resting. I have another appointment with my midwife on Tuesday, I guess we will go from there.
Time to update that!

Update? Why?

Because Declan is no longer due, he has been born!

EDA... oops, just read your siggy again... my mistake, I thought your date was his due date but it's his birth date. {In my best Gilda Radner voice}... nevermind.
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had the baby on the 9th at 9.48am, weighing 6lb 8oz. I was being sick so fiance got that first cuddle.
he had "wetlung" so wasn't allowed to stay with me, he was rushed off to neonatal special care and an incubator after we were in the recovery room, while I was taken to the normal caesarian ward.

fiance divided his visiting time between us, and he was there all the time the hospital would allow - except for when he was trying to find us a home. He's been a really good, hands-on daddy... even meconium didn't phase him.

wasn't allowed out of bed for the first day so it was killing me not being able to see my baby
as soon as they took my catheter out I was loaned a wheelchair and fiance took me to see the baby. He's gorgeous and tiny!

got him back from the neonatal special care ward that afternoon, poor little thing had bruises on hands and feet from injections etc, and both elbows... had a cannula in his arm too... was taken back to special care twice a day to get treatment.

meanwhile my blood pressure went a bit weird and kept rising and lowering (mainly rising) so they had fun adjusting my meds...
they couldn't release us while either of us was receiving treatment, so I ended up staying for a week instead of the predicted 3 days.

Got released, a friend came and collected me and the baby, we're staying with him (about 3 hours car journey away from fiance) because he's a lovely guy who won't let me fall through the gaps in the system when he has a spare room. I miss fiance and baby Arwyn is missing his daddy too

anyone wanting to wish or pray, fiance is house-hunting again tomorrow...wish him well!

hopefully we'll get to see fiance again in a few days.
I had to convince the hospital that this is situational depression not post natal depression...

the hospital staff all agreed that fiance's parents are evil for turning their grandchild and me out and endangering both our lives. When I was allowed back there to pack (and fiance had to beg for that much consideration) fiance's mum was trying to justify her actions... I was kind of rude and told her I didn't want to hear it. She wanted me to say "it's ok" but making me take Arwyn away from his daddy, making me pack up as much as we could fit in my friend's tiny car when I am supposed to be taking it easy because it's DANGEROUS for me not to.... nah. I just kept on repeating that I didn't want to hear it. I refused to speak to his "dad" at all... I was raised that if you have nothing nice to say, you say nothing.

Anyway, thanks to one amazing friend, Arwyn and I are safe for now.

thanks for all the concern.
I love the name Cordelia.
I am not really happy with the name we have picked out as Aiden Edward but I can not think of another that I like better. We almost went with Norin but everyone thinks we are saying Norman or Norbit and they hate it. If anyone has a really good one they are not going to use or one that they are using but are willing to share I am all ears.

Sorry about leaving you off there I will add you back in. I almost left promiseland off too. Sorry ladies. Kelly are you the only Aug. due date?

gpamela3499 Over due

promiselandfarm July 20th
KellyHM Aug. 4th
mrs turbo Due Sept. 23
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Birdgirl Nov 17
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Mandalina Jan 1st
Noble Rooster Jan 8
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